


A Synchronous Register to Store and Control Data

It may seem silly to implement a register module rather than let the HDL infer it, but doing so separates data and control at the most basic level, including various kinds of resets, which are part of control. This separation of data and control allows us to simplify the control logic and reduce the need for some routing resources.


On FPGAs, the initial state of registers is set in the configuration bitstream and applied by special power-on reset circuitry. The initial state of a design is available "for free" and can be returned to at run-time, which removes the need for that control and data logic.

Asynchronous Reset

The asynchronous reset is not implemented here as its existence prevents register retiming, even if tied to zero. This limitation complicates design and reduces performance as we would have to manually place registers to properly pipeline logic. If you absolutely need an asynchronous reset for ASIC implementation or for some critical registers, use the Register_areset instead.

Synchronous Reset (a.k.a. Clear)

If you need to clear the register during normal operation, use the synchronous clear input. This may create extra logic, but that logic gets folded into other logic feeding data to the register, and would have been necessary anyway but present as another case in the surrounding logic. Having a clear input allows us to get to the initial power-on-reset state without complicating the design.


Let's begin with the usual front matter:

`default_nettype none

module Register
    parameter WORD_WIDTH  = 0,
    parameter RESET_VALUE = 0
    input   wire                        clock,
    input   wire                        clock_enable,
    input   wire                        clear,
    input   wire    [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    data_in,
    output  reg     [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    data_out

    initial begin
        data_out = RESET_VALUE;

Here, we use the "last assignment wins" idiom (See Resets) to implement reset. This is also one place where we cannot use ternary operators, else the last assignment for clear (e.g.: data_out <= (clear == 1'b1) ? RESET_VALUE : data_out;) would override any previous assignment with the current value of data_out if clear is not asserted!

    always @(posedge clock) begin
        if (clock_enable == 1'b1) begin
            data_out <= data_in;

        if (clear == 1'b1) begin
            data_out <= RESET_VALUE;


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