GateForge Consulting Ltd.

72-bit CPU with multiplier, 3 kwords RAM, 475 MHz

Custom FPGA logic design and software development services.

I primarily offer custom FPGA logic design services and related software development. I follow a System Design Standard refined over many projects.

I have over 15 years of experience with Quartus, Vivado, and ISE for consumer and industrial applications on Zynq devices, scientific instrumentation on Kintex-7, space-rating validation on Spartan-6Q, ASIC emulation on Virtex-7, image processing and system infrastructure on Artix-7, and real-time video processing on Virtex UltraScale+ on Amazon's F1 cloud service.

I mainly work in Verilog-2001, and take great effort in writing modular, portable, and cleanly synthesizable code, following my in-house Verilog Coding Standard and using my library of FPGA Design Elements. I can also deliver work in VHDL and other HDLs as required by my clients.

I have 30 years of experience working in Linux environments, spanning everything from system administration to kernel programming. In software, I have worked in about a dozen programming languages, but primarily in C, Python, and assembly (MIPS, ARM, 6502), and occasionally in Perl and Forth.

QR Code

Client Projects

Internal Projects


Some examples of past FPGA design research. You can find a complete list at the Publications page.