To be used to control a PLL or MMCM with two clock inputs, where the primary clock runs always, and a secondary clock eventually begins operating and replaces the primary clock, for example when we need to initially configure an external device which then provides us a source-synchronous clock for its data.
The switchover only works once. When the secondary clock starts, it is expected to keep going. There is no failover back to the primary clock.
Once the secondary clock has run for a total of
, then secondary_clock_select
goes high and
stays high. You usually feed that to the PLL or MMCM with a clock select
input, or to a BUFGMUX.
The secondary_clock_reset
also goes high for
cycles so any downstream logic (particularly
the PLL or MMCM) can begin operating properly on the secondary clock.
All logic here is run on the secondary clock and its outputs are asynchronous to the primary clock. Thus any driven logic must be in reset during the clock switchover.
If the secondary clock is of a different frequency or duty-cycle than the primary clock, you will need to tell your CAD tool that the final clock's frequency is variable, which affects place and route, and timing analysis.
`default_nettype none module Clock_Switchover #( parameter SECONDARY_CLOCK_WAIT_CYCLES = 100, // Active cycles before switchover to secondary clock parameter SECONDARY_CLOCK_RESET_CYCLES = 10 // Cycles to hold the reset line high at switchover ) ( input wire secondary_clock, output reg secondary_clock_select, output reg secondary_clock_reset ); initial begin secondary_clock_select = 1'b0; secondary_clock_reset = 1'b0; end `include "clog2_function.vh"
This counter is enabled by default, and will start counting down when the secondary clock runs. Once it reaches zero, it halts permanently.
localparam SELECT_COUNTER_WIDTH = clog2(SECONDARY_CLOCK_WAIT_CYCLES); localparam SELECT_COUNTER_ONE = {{SELECT_COUNTER_WIDTH-1{1'b0}},1'b1}; localparam SELECT_COUNTER_ZERO = {SELECT_COUNTER_WIDTH{1'b0}}; wire [SELECT_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0] select_count_remaining; reg select_count_done = 1'b0; reg select_count_run = 1'b1; always @(*) begin select_count_done = (select_count_remaining == SELECT_COUNTER_ZERO); select_count_run = (select_count_done == 1'b0); end Counter_Binary #( .WORD_WIDTH (SELECT_COUNTER_WIDTH), .INCREMENT (SELECT_COUNTER_ONE), .INITIAL_COUNT (SECONDARY_CLOCK_WAIT_CYCLES [SELECT_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0]) ) select_counter ( .clock (secondary_clock), .clear (1'b0), .up_down (1'b1), // 0/1 --> up/down .run (select_count_run), .load (1'b0), .load_count (SELECT_COUNTER_ZERO), .carry_in (1'b0), // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY .carry_out (), .carries (), .overflow (), // verilator lint_on PINCONNECTEMPTY .count (select_count_remaining) );
This counter is disabled by default. Once the secondary clock counter has
run down to zero (select_count_done
goes high), the reset counter counts
down to zero, then halts permanently.
localparam RESET_COUNTER_WIDTH = clog2(SECONDARY_CLOCK_RESET_CYCLES); localparam RESET_COUNTER_ONE = {{RESET_COUNTER_WIDTH-1{1'b0}},1'b1}; localparam RESET_COUNTER_ZERO = {RESET_COUNTER_WIDTH{1'b0}}; wire [RESET_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0] reset_count_remaining; reg reset_count_done = 1'b0; reg reset_count_run = 1'b0; always @(*) begin reset_count_done = (reset_count_remaining == RESET_COUNTER_ZERO); reset_count_run = (reset_count_done == 1'b0) && (select_count_done == 1'b1); end Counter_Binary #( .WORD_WIDTH (RESET_COUNTER_WIDTH), .INCREMENT (RESET_COUNTER_ONE), .INITIAL_COUNT (SECONDARY_CLOCK_RESET_CYCLES [RESET_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0]) ) reset_counter ( .clock (secondary_clock), .clear (1'b0), .up_down (1'b1), // 0/1 --> up/down .run (reset_count_run), .load (1'b0), .load_count (RESET_COUNTER_ZERO), .carry_in (1'b0), // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY .carry_out (), .carries (), .overflow (), // verilator lint_on PINCONNECTEMPTY .count (reset_count_remaining) );
Finally, when the secondary clock has run long enough, raise
, and then until the reset count is done, raise
We have to delay the clock select signal so it arrives at the PLL or other logic after reset is asserted. (This is required by AMD/Xilinx PLLs, at least.)
wire select_count_done_delayed; Register_Pipeline_Simple #( .WORD_WIDTH (1'b1), .PIPE_DEPTH (3) ) selector_delay ( .clock (secondary_clock), .clock_enable (1'b1), .clear (1'b0), .pipe_in (select_count_done), .pipe_out (select_count_done_delayed) ); always @(*) begin secondary_clock_select = select_count_done_delayed; secondary_clock_reset = (select_count_done == 1'b1) && (reset_count_done == 1'b0); end endmodule