


A Reliable and Generic Binary Multiplexer (Behavioural Implementation)

But first, some background on the problems with multiplexers...

Simulation and Synthesis Mismatch

A pitfall in the Verilog language is the treatment of unknown X values in if statements, and it can cause a mismatch between the simulated and the synthesized behaviours. I have observed this exact mismatch in the field. This problem carries over into the design of multiplexers in general. Here's a contrived example, where we select one of two possibilities:

 reg                         selector;
 reg     [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    option_A;
 reg     [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    option_B;
 reg     [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    result;

 always @(*) begin
     if (selector == 1'b0) begin
         result = option_A;
     else begin
         result = option_B;

The problem here happens if selector is X or Z-valued. In real hardware, we would expect an X or Z selector to cause result to obtain an X value, but the if statement treats X as false, and so falls through to the else case. The simulation returns option_B while the synthesis returns X. This difference can also confuse verification efforts, because it can show a failure in simulation where there isn't one.

Instead of if statements, we can use the ternary ?: operator, which behaves as expected. Except in cases where both option_A/option_B evaluate to 1 or 0, an X or Z-valued selector will return an X value:

 always @(*) begin
     result = (selector == 1'b0) ? option_A : option_B;

Inflexible Implementations

However, the ternary operator gets impractical for more that two options, and the case statement gets tedious and error-prone as the number of cases increases. And both are too rigid, requiring changes to the multiplexer implementation should the number of inputs change.

A Generic Solution

Instead of implementing multiple multiplexers of specific sizes, we can replace them all with a single multiplexer module, implemented using a vector part select, which simulates and synthesizes correctly, and accepts a parameterized number of inputs. In the following code, we can think of selector as "addressing" one of the words_in options.

Rather than change the number of input ports at each design change, pass a concatenation of words to words_in with the zeroth element on the right. The selector then selects one of the input words. If the selector value is greater than the number of input words, the output is unknown (depends on synthesized logic). If the selector is X or Z, the output is X or Z.

This multiplexer can also cleanly express little bits of arbitrary logic: set the inputs to the possible output values (constant or otherwise) of your function, and let the selector input get decoded to one of those values.

`default_nettype none

module Multiplexer_Binary_Behavioural
    parameter       WORD_WIDTH          = 0,
    parameter       ADDR_WIDTH          = 0,
    parameter       INPUT_COUNT         = 0,

    // Do not set at instantiation
    input   wire    [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]    selector,
    input   wire    [TOTAL_WIDTH-1:0]   words_in,
    output  reg     [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    word_out

    initial begin
        word_out = {WORD_WIDTH{1'b0}};

    always @(*) begin
        word_out = words_in[(selector * WORD_WIDTH) +: WORD_WIDTH];



There's one problem here: if your HDL of choice does not have an analog of Verilog's vector part select, this design can't be translated. Thus, there exists another, more structural implementation, which can be ported to other HDLs, and also expands the output function beyond the implicit Boolean OR found here.

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