Conditionally blocks ready/valid handshakes and data from passing through
a pipeline. Handshakes complete only when the enable
input is high.
There is no buffering: this is purely combinational. The enable
MUST be changed synchronously to the clock.
It is not enough to block only valid or ready: if valid is blocked, then the sender can still see the receiver's ready and complete a handshake, dropping that data. The opposite happens when blocking only ready, with the receiver taking in stale data or garbage.
An example use case for a gate is to prevent a FIFO from sending out data while you are loading it with some unit composed of many words (e.g. a packet).
parameter is non-zero, a disabled gate will not let any
data through and zero it out. Else the data is always a simple
pass-through, and only the ready/valid handshakes are gated. Change the
as necessary, but the default
should be fine.
`default_nettype none module Pipeline_Gate #( parameter WORD_WIDTH = 0, parameter IMPLEMENTATION = "AND", parameter GATE_DATA = 0 ) ( input wire enable, output wire input_ready, input wire input_valid, input wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] input_data, output wire output_valid, input wire output_ready, output wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] output_data ); generate if (GATE_DATA != 0) begin : gen_gate_data Annuller #( .WORD_WIDTH (WORD_WIDTH + 1 + 1), .IMPLEMENTATION (IMPLEMENTATION) ) gate_control_and_data ( .annul (enable == 1'b0), .data_in ({input_data, output_ready, input_valid}), .data_out ({output_data, input_ready, output_valid}) ); end else begin : gen_pass_data assign output_data = input_data; Annuller #( .WORD_WIDTH (1 + 1), .IMPLEMENTATION (IMPLEMENTATION) ) gate_control_only ( .annul (enable == 1'b0), .data_in ({output_ready, input_valid}), .data_out ({input_ready, output_valid}) ); end endgenerate endmodule