A single pipeline register with ready/valid handshakes. Decouples the input and ouput handshakes (no combinational path), but does not allow concurrent read/write like a full Pipeline Skid Buffer. The Half-Buffer must be read out before you can write into it again, halving the maximum bandwidth (except in Circular Buffer Mode).
However, using a Half-Buffer can improve the throughput of a long-running module with ready/valid handshakes, where the module input will not accept new data until the module output is read out, and it takes multiple cycles to compute a result. With a Half-Buffer, the module can immediately dump its output into the Half-Buffer and then accept new input data, overlapping another computation with the wait time until the final destination reads out the Half-Buffer.
A Half-Buffer can also implement a very useful control mechanism by signalling to the source when the next item can be processed. After accepting an item at the input, detecting the rise of valid at the output with a Pulse Generator starts the internal logic, whose control logic now only need to pulse ready when the calculation is done to complete the handshake. This simplifies control and maintains concurrency.
Normally, a Half-Buffer reads in one value and will not complete another input handshake until the data has been read out. You can think of this as buffering the earliest value from the pipeline.
parameter to a non-zero value changes the
behaviour at the input: the input handshake can always complete, discarding
the data already in the buffer even if it was never read out. You can
think of this as buffering the latest value from the pipeline. This is
a one-entry circular buffer.
However, data in the buffer can only be read out once, as usual, until
updated again at the input, possibly in the same clock cycle. Simultaneous
input and output handshakes are possible in Circular Buffer Mode since
no longer depends on the empty/full state of the buffer
(which forces alternation of input and output handshakes), nor on the state
of the output handshake (which is disallowed to prevent creating
a combinational path between input and output).
`default_nettype none module Pipeline_Half_Buffer #( parameter WORD_WIDTH = 0, parameter CIRCULAR_BUFFER = 0 // non-zero to enable ) ( input wire clock, input wire clear, input wire input_valid, output reg input_ready, input wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] input_data, output reg output_valid, input wire output_ready, output wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] output_data ); localparam WORD_ZERO = {WORD_WIDTH{1'b0}};
Storage for the data
reg half_buffer_load = 1'b0; Register #( .WORD_WIDTH (WORD_WIDTH), .RESET_VALUE (WORD_ZERO) ) half_buffer ( .clock (clock), .clock_enable (half_buffer_load), .clear (clear), .data_in (input_data), .data_out (output_data) );
And an empty/full bit associated with the data storage.
reg set_to_empty = 1'b0; reg set_to_full = 1'b0; wire buffer_full; Register #( .WORD_WIDTH (1), .RESET_VALUE (1'b0) ) empty_full ( .clock (clock), .clock_enable (set_to_full), .clear (set_to_empty), .data_in (1'b1), .data_out (buffer_full) );
Then, from the state of the empty/full bit and the signals local only to
each handshake (no path between them), determine when data can transfer.
Note that we must be empty before we can set_to_full
. Anything else
creates a combinational path from the input handshake to the output
EXCEPTION: In Circular Buffer Mode, input_ready
does not depend on any
other logic, which enables simultaneous input and output handhsakes without
combinational paths between them.
always @(*) begin input_ready = (buffer_full == 1'b0) || (CIRCULAR_BUFFER != 0); output_valid = (buffer_full == 1'b1); set_to_full = (input_valid == 1'b1) && (input_ready == 1'b1); set_to_empty = (output_valid == 1'b1) && (output_ready == 1'b1) && (set_to_full == 1'b0); set_to_empty = (set_to_empty == 1'b1) || (clear == 1'b1); half_buffer_load = (set_to_full == 1'b1); end endmodule