Takes in multiple input ready/valid handshakes with associated data, and merges them one at a time into a single output ready/valid handshake. The inputs are merged by priority, with the lowest indexed input having the highest priority.
So long as an input has the highest priority (lowest bit) valid signal asserted and is granted its turn, it's data will be passed to the output. Once valid is released, the turn is lost if a higher priority valid is asserted. Backpressure still works via the corresponding ready signal.
The IMPLEMENTATION parameter defaults to "AND", and controls the implementation of the Annullers inside the mux/demux. It is unlikely you will need to change it.
As a design convention, we must avoid a combinational path between the valid and ready signals in a given pipeline interface, because if the other end of the pipeline connection also has a ready/valid combinational path, connecting these two interfaces will form a combinational loop, which cannot be analyzed for timing, or simulated reliably.
Thus, the input interfaces here are buffered to break the combinational path, even if the buffering is redundant. It's not worth the risk of a bad simulation or synthesis otherwise.
`default_nettype none module Pipeline_Merge_Priority #( parameter WORD_WIDTH = 0, parameter INPUT_COUNT = 0, parameter IMPLEMENTATION = "AND", // Do not set at instantiation, except in IPI parameter TOTAL_WIDTH = WORD_WIDTH * INPUT_COUNT ) ( input wire clock, input wire clear, input wire [INPUT_COUNT-1:0] input_valid, output wire [INPUT_COUNT-1:0] input_ready, input wire [TOTAL_WIDTH-1:0] input_data, output reg output_valid, input wire output_ready, output wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] output_data ); localparam INPUT_ZERO = {INPUT_COUNT{1'b0}}; localparam INPUT_ONES = {INPUT_COUNT{1'b1}}; initial begin output_valid = 1'b0; end
First, we must buffer the input interfaces to break the combinational path from valid to ready.
wire [INPUT_COUNT-1:0] input_valid_buffered; wire [INPUT_COUNT-1:0] input_ready_buffered; wire [TOTAL_WIDTH-1:0] input_data_buffered; generate genvar j; for(j=0; j < INPUT_COUNT; j=j+1) begin: per_input Pipeline_Skid_Buffer #( .WORD_WIDTH (WORD_WIDTH), .CIRCULAR_BUFFER (0) // Not meaningful here ) input_buffer ( .clock (clock), .clear (clear), .input_valid (input_valid[j]), .input_ready (input_ready[j]), .input_data (input_data [WORD_WIDTH*j +: WORD_WIDTH]), .output_valid (input_valid_buffered[j]), .output_ready (input_ready_buffered[j]), .output_data (input_data_buffered [WORD_WIDTH*j +: WORD_WIDTH]) ); end endgenerate
If any input is valid, then pass it to the output valid port.
always @(*) begin output_valid = (input_valid_buffered != INPUT_ZERO); end
Then filter the input valid signals to only one, in order of priority. Least-significant valid bit has highest priority and holds the grant until valid is released.
wire [INPUT_COUNT-1:0] input_valid_granted; Arbiter_Priority #( .INPUT_COUNT (INPUT_COUNT) ) pipeline_arbiter ( .clock (clock), .clear (clear), .requests (input_valid_buffered), .requests_mask (INPUT_ONES), // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY .grant_previous (), // verilator lint_on PINCONNECTEMPTY .grant (input_valid_granted) );
Then use the filtered valid signal to select the data to pass to the output.
Multiplexer_One_Hot #( .WORD_WIDTH (WORD_WIDTH), .WORD_COUNT (INPUT_COUNT), .OPERATION ("OR"), .IMPLEMENTATION (IMPLEMENTATION) ) data_out_mux ( .selectors (input_valid_granted), .words_in (input_data_buffered), .word_out (output_data) );
Use the filtered valid signal to steer the selected output ready port to the input ready port. Since this is a single-bit signal, the valid isn't necessary if we don't broadcast.
Demultiplexer_One_Hot #( .BROADCAST (0), .WORD_WIDTH (1), .OUTPUT_COUNT (INPUT_COUNT), .IMPLEMENTATION (IMPLEMENTATION) ) ready_in_demux ( .selectors (input_valid_granted), .word_in (output_ready), .words_out (input_ready_buffered), // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY .valids_out () // verilator lint_on PINCONNECTEMPTY ); endmodule