


Simple Dual-Ported RAM

Defines a memory, of various implementation, with one write port and one read port (1W1R), separately addressed, with a common clock. Common data width on both ports. This is usually the fastest BRAM configuration when used with write-forwarding logic. There is no synchronous clear on the output: In Quartus at least, any register driving it cannot be retimed, and it may not be as portable. Instead, use separate logic (e.g.: an Annuller) to zero-out the output down the line.

Write Forwarding

The READ_NEW_DATA parameter control the behaviour of simultaneous reads and writes to the same address. This is the most important parameter when considering what kind of memory block the CAD tool will infer.

The inferred write-forwarding logic also allows the RAM to operate at higher frequency, since a read corrupted by a simultaneous write to the same address will be discarded and replaced by the write value at the output mux of the forwarding logic. Otherwise, the RAM must internally perform the write on one edge of the clock, and the read on the other, which requires a longer cycle time.


For Quartus, if you do not want write-forwarding, but still get the higher speed at the price of indeterminate behaviour on coincident read/writes, use "no_rw_check" as part of the RAMSTYLE (e.g.: "M10K, no_rw_check"). Depending on the FPGA hardware, this may also help when returning OLD data. If that fails, add this setting to your Quartus project: set_global_assignment -name ADD_PASS_THROUGH_LOGIC_TO_INFERRED_RAMS OFF to disable creation of write-forwarding logic, as Quartus ignores the "no_rw_check" RAMSTYLE for M10K BRAMs.


Vivado uses a different mechanism to control write-forwarding: set RW_ADDR_COLLISION to "yes" to force the inference of write forwarding logic, or "no" to prevent it. Otherwise, set it to "auto".

`default_nettype none

module RAM_Simple_Dual_Port 
    parameter                       WORD_WIDTH          = 0,
    parameter                       ADDR_WIDTH          = 0,
    parameter                       DEPTH               = 0,
    // Used as attributes, not values
    // verilator lint_off UNUSED
    parameter                       RAMSTYLE            = "",
    parameter                       RW_ADDR_COLLISION   = "",
    // verilator lint_on  UNUSED
    parameter                       READ_NEW_DATA       = 0,
    parameter                       USE_INIT_FILE       = 0,
    parameter                       INIT_FILE           = "",
    parameter   [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    INIT_VALUE          = 0
    input  wire                         clock,
    input  wire                         wren,
    input  wire     [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]    write_addr,
    input  wire     [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    write_data,
    input  wire                         rden,
    input  wire     [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]    read_addr, 
    output reg      [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    read_data

    initial begin
        read_data = {WORD_WIDTH{1'b0}};

Set the ram style to control implementation. See your CAD tool documentation for available options.

    (* ramstyle             = RAMSTYLE *)           // Quartus
    (* ram_style            = RAMSTYLE *)           // Vivado
    (* rw_addr_collision    = RW_ADDR_COLLISION *)  // Vivado

This is the RAM array proper. Not how we access or implement it.

    reg [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] ram [DEPTH-1:0];

The only difference selected by READ_NEW_DATA is the use of blocking/non-blocking assignments. Blocking assignments make the write happen logically before the read, as ordered here, and thus describe write-forwarding behaviour where the read takes data from the write port. Non-blocking assignments make read and write take effect simultaneously at the end of the always block, so the read takes its data from the memory.

UPDATE: Since I originally wrote this code, over 10 years ago, I have learnt that using blocking assignments inside a clocked always block may cause simulation race conditions, depending on the order of evaluation of the always blocks (see IEEE Standard 1364-2001, Section 5, "Scheduling Semantics"). However, I have never seen such race conditions happen, possibly because of how this and other code was written (e.g.: it's in its own module, which affects event scheduling). I also could not find a simpler and cleaner way to express "write-before-read" behaviour while leaving the CAD tool free to infer RAM as it could. Finally, FPGA Block RAMs, and their CAD tools, have since changed and may no longer infer memory in the same way or have exactly the same supported behaviours in hardware. This module should be sufficient for most purposes, but check your synthesis results!

        // Returns OLD data
        if (READ_NEW_DATA == 0) begin : gen_read_old_data
            always @(posedge clock) begin
                if(wren == 1'b1) begin
                    ram[write_addr] <= write_data;
                if(rden == 1'b1) begin
                    read_data <= ram[read_addr];
        // Returns NEW data
        // This isn't proper, but that's what the CAD tool expects for inference.
        // verilator lint_off BLKSEQ
        else begin : gen_read_new_data
            always @(posedge clock) begin
                if(wren == 1'b1) begin
                    ram[write_addr] = write_data;
                if(rden == 1'b1) begin
                    read_data = ram[read_addr];
        // verilator lint_on BLKSEQ

If you are not using an init file, the following code will set all memory locations to INIT_VALUE. The CAD tool should generate a memory initialization file from that. This is useful to cleanly implement small collections of registers (e.g.: via RAMSTYLE = "logic" on Quartus), without having to deal with an init file. Your CAD tool may complain about too many for-loop iterations if your memory is very deep. Adjust the tool settings to allow more loop iterations.

At a minimum, the initialization file format is one value per line, one for each memory word from 0 to DEPTH-1, in bare hexadecimal (e.g.: 0012 to init a 16-bit memory word with 16'h12). Note that if your WORD_WIDTH isn't a multiple of 4, the CAD tool may complain about the width mismatch. You can base yourself on this Python memory initialization file generator.

        if (USE_INIT_FILE == 0) begin : gen_init_value
            integer i;
            initial begin
                for (i = 0; i < DEPTH; i = i + 1) begin
                    ram[i] = INIT_VALUE;
        else begin : gen_init_file
            initial begin
                $readmemh(INIT_FILE, ram);


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