A synchronous Register with a little extra logic to make
it toggle. While clock_enable
is high, each cycle toggle
is high the
output of the register will invert itself, regardless of the data_in
input. If toggle
is low, this module behaves like an ordinary register.
It seems like overhead to have such trivial function as a distinct module, but if the extra 2:1 multiplexer and inverter on a feedback path from the output to the input was part of a larger circuit, its purpose would be obscured by other logic, or it would itself obscure the other logic. Thus, the user then has to reverse-engineer the implementation back to the intended function: a simple toggle, and further separate that function from the rest of the logic.
It is much less mental effort to encounter a module that states "I am a toggle", which then makes the surrounding logic simpler and more meaningful. And because the initial design process and later comprehension of the design both need less mental effort, we can claim such a module fits our way of thinking and that we will very likely find a need for it in multiple future designs.
It is useful to imagine a toggle register, when holding a single bit, as a tiny finite state machine (FSM) with two states and transitions defined by the logic controlling the module inputs:
, to bring the FSM to the start state,clock_enable
, to control when transitions can happen,data_in
, to force the FSM into a given, data-dependent state,toggle
, to change to the other state without having to know which of
the two states the FSM is currently in.Toggling can transform events denoted by the presence of a signal into events denoted by a change in a signal, such as when performing a 2-phase handshake between systems which are asynchronous to eachother. Or just to divide a pulse train by 2 or its multiples. Or by chaining multiple toggles to form a basic incrementing counter without using an adder, and so you can place logic between each counter bit to modulate it.
`default_nettype none module Register_Toggle #( parameter WORD_WIDTH = 0, parameter RESET_VALUE = 0 ) ( input wire clock, input wire clock_enable, input wire clear, input wire toggle, input wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] data_in, output wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] data_out ); reg [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] new_value = {WORD_WIDTH{1'b0}}; Register #( .WORD_WIDTH (WORD_WIDTH), .RESET_VALUE (RESET_VALUE) ) Register ( .clock (clock), .clock_enable (clock_enable), .clear (clear), .data_in (new_value), .data_out (data_out) ); always @(*) begin new_value = (toggle == 1'b1) ? ~data_out : data_in; end endmodule