This is a synchronous (clocked) version of the Muller C-Element, which implements a rendez-vous or join function: the output remains low until all inputs go high, then the output remains high until all inputs have gone back low.
The minimum PIPE_DEPTH
is 1. Increase it as necessary to meet timing
if you have a large number of inputs.
Bringing clock_enable
low will freeze the operation of the C-Element
until brought back high. Inputs may change during that time, but they will
not be registered, and the pipeline contents remain unchanged. Raising
will empty the internal pipeline and bring the output low.
`default_nettype none module Synchronous_Muller_C_Element #( parameter INPUT_COUNT = 0, parameter PIPE_DEPTH = 0 // Minimum of 1 ) ( input wire clock, input wire clear, input wire clock_enable, input wire [INPUT_COUNT-1:0] lines_in, output reg line_out ); localparam INPUT_ZERO = {INPUT_COUNT{1'b0}}; localparam INPUT_ONES = {INPUT_COUNT{1'b1}}; localparam PIPE_WIDTH = INPUT_COUNT + 1; localparam PIPE_ZERO = {(PIPE_WIDTH * PIPE_DEPTH){1'b0}}; initial begin line_out = 1'b0; end
Pipeline all the inputs and the combinational output together. This enables
forward retiming for performance, and stores the output state (which is
what makes this version synchronous). At a PIPE_DEPTH
of 1, this behaves
identically to having a single output register, except it can retime inside
the feedback loop from the line_out
wire [INPUT_COUNT-1:0] lines_in_pipelined; wire line_out_pipelined; Register_Pipeline #( .WORD_WIDTH (PIPE_WIDTH), .PIPE_DEPTH (PIPE_DEPTH), // concatenation of each stage initial/reset value .RESET_VALUES (PIPE_ZERO) ) input_pipeline ( .clock (clock), .clock_enable (clock_enable), .clear (clear), .parallel_load (1'b0), .parallel_in (PIPE_ZERO), // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY .parallel_out (), // verilator lint_on PINCONNECTEMPTY .pipe_in ({lines_in, line_out}), .pipe_out ({lines_in_pipelined, line_out_pipelined}) );
And compute the set and hold functions based off the pipelined values.
reg set_output = 1'b0; reg hold_output = 1'b0; always @(*) begin set_output = (lines_in_pipelined == INPUT_ONES); hold_output = (lines_in_pipelined != INPUT_ZERO) && (line_out_pipelined == 1'b1); line_out = (set_output == 1'b1) || (hold_output == 1'b1); end endmodule