Reverses the order of words in the input vector, composed of concatenated words, with the first word at the right. We can't reverse vectors via reversed indices in Verilog, so we must use a for loop to manually move the bits around.
parameters express how the input vector
is split-up, and so defines which reversal happens. The total width is
always the product of the word width and count. For example:
and WORD_COUNT = 32
reverses all the bits in a 32-bit word.WORD_WIDTH = 8
and WORD_COUNT = 4
reverses the endianness of bytes in a 32-bit word.There is no clock or Boolean logic, and everything is computed at elaboration time, so this module simply moves wires around and consumes no logic resources.
`default_nettype none module Word_Reverser #( parameter WORD_WIDTH = 0, parameter WORD_COUNT = 0, // Do not set at instantiation parameter TOTAL_WIDTH = WORD_WIDTH * WORD_COUNT ) ( input wire [TOTAL_WIDTH-1:0] words_in, output reg [TOTAL_WIDTH-1:0] words_out ); initial begin words_out = {TOTAL_WIDTH{1'b0}}; end
For each input word, starting from the right, place it in the output word, but starting at the left.
generate genvar i; for (i=0; i < WORD_COUNT; i=i+1) begin : per_word always @(*) begin words_out[WORD_WIDTH*(WORD_COUNT-i-1) +: WORD_WIDTH] = words_in[WORD_WIDTH*i +: WORD_WIDTH]; end end endgenerate endmodule