


Multiprecision Signed Binary Accumulator, with Saturation

Adds/subtracts the signed increment_value to the signed accumulated_value, or loads a new load_value to replace the accumulated_value. A concurrent load and increment will first load, then increment the loaded value.

Deasserting clock_enable freezes the accumulator: new increments, and loads, are ignored, the internal pipeline (if any) holds steady, and all outputs remain static.


If the increment or the load would cause the accumulator to go past the signed minimum or maximum limits, the accumulator will saturate at the nearest limit value and also raise one or more of the min/max limit signals until the next operation. The maximum limit must be greater or equal than the minimum limit. If the limits are reversed, such that limit_max < limit_min, the result will be meaningless.

`default_nettype none

module Accumulator_Binary_Multiprecision_Saturating
    parameter                   WORD_WIDTH          = 0,
    parameter                   STEP_WORD_WIDTH     = 0,
    parameter                   EXTRA_PIPE_STAGES   = -1 // Use for critical paths in Accumulator
    input   wire                        clock,
    input   wire                        clock_enable,
    input   wire                        clear,

    input   wire                        increment_add_sub,  // 0/1 --> +/-
    input   wire    [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    increment_value,
    input   wire                        increment_valid,
    output  wire                        increment_ready,

    input   wire    [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    load_value,
    input   wire                        load_valid,
    output  wire                        load_ready,

    // These are implicitly reloaded by both the load and increment input handshakes.
    input   wire    [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    limit_max,
    input   wire    [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    limit_min,

    output  wire                        output_valid,
    input   wire                        output_ready,

    output  wire    [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    accumulated_value,
    output  wire                        accumulated_value_carry_out,
    output  wire    [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    accumulated_value_carries,
    output  wire                        accumulated_value_at_limit_max,
    output  wire                        accumulated_value_over_limit_max,
    output  wire                        accumulated_value_at_limit_min,
    output  wire                        accumulated_value_under_limit_min

    localparam WORD_ZERO = {WORD_WIDTH{1'b0}};

If we are loading then substitute the accumulated_value with zero, and the increment with the load_value. Converting a load to an addition to zero prevents us from loading a value outside the given limits, which could really upset things in the enclosing logic, and will set the output status bits correctly.

load takes priority over a concurrent increment, so a load concurrent with an increment will result in the accumulator holding load_value + increment_value.

    wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] accumulated_value_selected;
    wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] increment_selected;

        .INPUT_COUNT    (2),
        .clock          (clock),
        .clear          (clear),

        .input_valid    ({increment_valid,                     load_valid}),
        .input_ready    ({increment_ready,                     load_ready}),
        .input_data     ({increment_value, accumulated_value,  load_value, WORD_ZERO}),

        .output_valid   (add_increment_input_valid),
        .output_ready   (add_increment_input_ready),
        .output_data    ({increment_selected, accumulated_value_selected})

Apply the increment to the current accumulator value, or the load value to an accumulator value of zero, with saturation.

    wire add_increment_input_valid;
    wire add_increment_input_ready;

        .WORD_WIDTH         (WORD_WIDTH),
        .EXTRA_PIPE_STAGES  (EXTRA_PIPE_STAGES)  // Use if predicates are critical path
        .clock              (clock),
        .clock_enable       (clock_enable),
        .clear              (clear),

        .input_valid        (add_increment_input_valid),
        .input_ready        (add_increment_input_ready),

        .limit_max          (limit_max),
        .limit_min          (limit_min),
        .add_sub            (increment_add_sub), // 0/1 -> A+B/A-B
        .A                  (accumulated_value_selected),
        .B                  (increment_selected),

        .output_valid       (output_valid),
        .output_ready       (output_ready),

        .sum                (accumulated_value),
        .carry_out          (accumulated_value_carry_out),
        .carries            (accumulated_value_carries),
        .at_limit_max       (accumulated_value_at_limit_max),
        .over_limit_max     (accumulated_value_over_limit_max),
        .at_limit_min       (accumulated_value_at_limit_min),
        .under_limit_min    (accumulated_value_under_limit_min)


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