


Address Decoder (Static)

A flexible address decoder. Works for any address range at any starting point. The base and bound addresses are set as parameters, so the range is fixed. This decoder works by checking if the input address lies between the base and bound (inclusive) of a range by comparing against each possible address within the range, then outputs the OR-reduction of all these checks.

But there are a couple of caveats: your CAD tool will have to create a little netlist for up to all 2^ADDR_WIDTH possible addresses, and store the matches into a vector of up to 2^ADDR_WIDTH bits long, depending on the base and bound addresses. Elaborating and optimizing this logic can take a very long time and, as I understand it, Verilog implementations have a maximum vector width of a million or so, so this decoder will be likley unusable for address ranges more than 20 bits wide.

Also, even if your CAD tool can handle wider vectors, because we use an integer as counter, this decoder cannot be guaranteed to work for address ranges exceeding 32 bits, depending on your Verilog implementation.

I do not recommend this implementation. I include it because I have put it to good use inside a CPU for decoding register operands, and it might be a good choice for very small, fixed address ranges if your CAD tool cannot fully optimize the Behavioural Address Decoder.

`default_nettype none

module Address_Decoder_Static
    parameter       ADDR_WIDTH          = 0,
    parameter       ADDR_BASE           = 0,
    parameter       ADDR_BOUND          = 0
    input   wire    [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]    addr,
    output  reg                         hit

    localparam ADDR_COUNT = ADDR_BOUND - ADDR_BASE + 1;
    localparam COUNT_ZERO = {ADDR_COUNT{1'b0}};

    initial begin
        hit = 1'b0;

    integer                     i;
    reg     [ADDR_COUNT-1:0]    per_addr_match = COUNT_ZERO;

Check each address in base/bound range for match, and store it in a vector for later OR-reduction. Note that we select only the bit range we need from the index i so it doesn't raise a width mismatch warning when compared to the input address. This does mean problems if ADDR_WIDTH is greater than 32 bits.

    always @(*) begin
        for(i = ADDR_BASE; i <= ADDR_BOUND; i = i + 1) begin : addr_decode
            per_addr_match[i-ADDR_BASE] = (addr == i[ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]);

    always @(*) begin : is_hit
        hit = |per_addr_match;


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