


Bit Voting

Counts the number of set bits in the input word as a vote, with the following possible results:

Each result is valid by itself. There is no need to check multiple outputs to decode certain situations. This is why the unanimity output is split into two cases, else you would have to look at the majority and minority outputs to figure out which kind of unanimity happened.

Implemented by calculating the population count of the input (number of bits set), then comparing this value against the expected number of set bits for each voting outcome, with an extra check for tie to remove the logic if the number of input bits is not even.

`default_nettype none

module Bit_Voting
    parameter INPUT_COUNT = 0
    input   wire    [INPUT_COUNT-1:0]   word_in,
    output  reg                         unanimity_ones,
    output  reg                         unanimity_zeros,
    output  reg                         majority,
    output  reg                         minority,
    output  reg                         tie

    initial begin
        unanimity_ones  = 1'b0;
        unanimity_zeros = 1'b0;
        majority        = 1'b0;
        minority        = 1'b0;
        tie             = 1'b0;

Pre-compute the expected count of set bits for each voting outcome. Note the corner case of ties: it's always correct when used to compute majority, but not to compute a tie when the number of votes is not even, so we must also pre-compute if the number of votes is even or not.

The pre-computed values default to unsigned integers, so we can reliably specify the bit width of a pre-computed value to make it match the width of later arithmetic comparisons, where signs and width expansion can be difficult to get right, and are best avoided if at all possible. If the INPUT_COUNT is larger than the width of an integer in your Verilog implementation (at least 32 bits), using it as the bit width will zero-extend the value to that width, else it will truncate it.

    localparam [INPUT_COUNT-1:0] UNANIMITY_ZEROS  = 0;
    localparam                   COUNT_IS_EVEN    = (INPUT_COUNT % 2) == 0;
    localparam [INPUT_COUNT-1:0] TIE              = INPUT_COUNT / 2;
    localparam [INPUT_COUNT-1:0] MAJORITY         = TIE + 1;
    localparam [INPUT_COUNT-1:0] MINORITY         = INPUT_COUNT - MAJORITY;

Then count the number of set bits. See the implementation notes in the Population Count module if you need to understand why we have the popcount width be the same as the input width, and not the expected log2(INPUT_COUNT)+1 bits.

    wire [INPUT_COUNT-1:0] popcount;

        .word_in    (word_in),
        .count_out  (popcount)

Finally, compute the voting outcomes. Note the gating of the tie output with a pre-computed constant expression, which eliminates that logic and replaces it with a constant zero when the number of votes is not even, since tie can never be valid in that case.

    always @(*) begin
        unanimity_zeros = (popcount == UNANIMITY_ZEROS);
        unanimity_ones  = (popcount == UNANIMITY_ONES);
        majority        = (popcount >= MAJORITY);
        minority        = (popcount <= MINORITY);
        tie             = (popcount == TIE) && (COUNT_IS_EVEN == 1'b1);


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