


Boolean Word Reducer

Reduces multiple words into a single word, using the given Boolean operation. Put differently: it's a bit-reduction of each bit position across all words. The words_in input contains all the input words concatenated one after the other.

A common use case is to compute multiple results and their selecting conditions in parallel, then annul all but the result you want and OR-reduce them into a single result. Or don't annul the results, but NAND them to see each bit position where the results disagree, and then maybe bit-reduce that to signal if any of the results disagree, possibly signalling an error.

`default_nettype none

module Word_Reducer
    parameter OPERATION  = "",
    parameter WORD_WIDTH = 0,
    parameter WORD_COUNT = 0,

    // Don't change at instantiation
    input   wire    [TOTAL_WIDTH-1:0]   words_in,
    output  wire    [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    word_out

    localparam BIT_ZERO  = {WORD_COUNT{1'b0}};

Instantiate the following hardware once for each bit position in a word. The bit_word gathers the bit at a given position from all the words. (e.g.: all the first bits, all the second bits, etc...) Then, for each word, extract the given bit position into the bit_word.


        genvar i, j;

        for (j=0; j < WORD_WIDTH; j=j+1) begin : per_bit

            reg [WORD_COUNT-1:0] bit_word = BIT_ZERO;

            for (i=0; i < WORD_COUNT; i=i+1) begin : per_word
                always @(*) begin
                    bit_word[i] = words_in[(WORD_WIDTH*i)+j];

Then reduce the bit_word into the output bit using the specified Boolean function. (i.e.: all input words first bits, gathered into bit_word, reduce to the first output word bit). I use the Bit_Reducer here to both express that word reduction is a composition of bit reduction, and to avoid having to rewrite each possible case along with the special linter directives to avoid width warnings.

The downside is that the list of possible operations is not visible here, but if you need to find them out, then reading the bit reducer code is the best documentation. And if you need to add an operation, then the word reducer code remains unchanged.

                .OPERATION      (OPERATION),
                .INPUT_COUNT    (WORD_COUNT)
                .bits_in        (bit_word),
                .bit_out        (word_out[j])



Alternate Implementation

There exists an alternate implementation of word reduction which is differently elegant, but has a couple of pitfalls and cannot re-use the bit reducer code. I'll outline it here because it uses looped partial calculations with a peeled-out first iteration, which is a common code pattern.

Repeatedly using a register in an unclocked loop expresses a combinational logic loop, which must be avoided: without special effort the CAD tool cannot analyze it for timing, or sometimes even synthesize it. So we create an array of registers to hold each partial result, and initialize them to zero.

reg [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] partial_reduction [WORD_COUNT-1:0];

integer i;

initial begin
    for(i=0; i < WORD_COUNT; i=i+1) begin
        partial_reduction[i] = ZERO;

First, connect the zeroth input word to the zeroth partial result. This peels out the first loop iteration, where the read index would be out of range (negative!) otherwise.

always @(*) begin
    partial_reduction[0] = in[0 +: WORD_WIDTH];

Then OR the previous partial result with the current input word, creating the next partial result. Note the start index because of the peeled-out first iteration: i=1. This is where you would implement each possible operation, and most of the code would be duplicated boilerplate, differing only by the Boolean operator. This is dull, error-prone, and drags in synthesis-time complications, such as linter directives and operation selection, into the middle of run-time code.

    for(i=1; i < WORD_COUNT; i=i+1) begin
        partial_reduction[i] = partial_reduction[i-1] | words_in[WORD_WIDTH*i +: WORD_WIDTH];

The last partial result is the final result.

    word_out = partial_reduction[WORD_COUNT-1];

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