


Multiprecision Binary Integer Adder/Subtractor

A signed binary integer adder/subtractor, which does arithmetic over WORD_WIDTH words as a sequence of smaller STEP_WORD_WIDTH operations to save area and increase operating speed at the price of extra latency.

The main use of this circuit is to avoid CAD problems which can emerge at large integer bit widths (e.g.: 128 bits): the area of added pipeline registers would become quite large, and the CAD tools can fail to retime them completely into the extra-wide adder logic, thus failing to reach a high operating frequency and slowing down the rest of the system. There are notes in the code which point out the critical paths you can expect to see (or not).

Also, if we don't need a result every cycle, regular pipelining is wasteful: it unnecessarily duplicates the input/output data storage, and makes poor use of the adder/subtractor logic (e.g.: the least-significant bits are used once, then sit idle for multiple cycles while the higher bits are computed).

Since the result latency depends on the ratio of WORD_WIDTH to STEP_WORD_WIDTH and whether that ratio is a whole integer, the inputs are set with a ready/valid handshake, and can be updated after the output handshake completes.

Addition/subtraction is selected with add_sub: 0 for an add (A+B), and 1 for a subtract (A-B). This assignment conveniently matches the convention of sign bits. Note that the overflow bit is only meaningful for signed numbers. For unsigned numbers, use carry_out instead.

Ports and Constants

`default_nettype none

module Adder_Subtractor_Binary_Multiprecision
    parameter WORD_WIDTH        = 0,
    parameter STEP_WORD_WIDTH   = 0
    input   wire                        clock,
    input   wire                        clock_enable,
    input   wire                        clear,

    input   wire                        input_valid,
    output  reg                         input_ready,

    input   wire                        add_sub,    // 0/1 -> A+B/A-B
    input   wire    [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    A,
    input   wire    [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    B,

    output  reg                         output_valid,
    input   wire                        output_ready,

    output  wire    [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    sum,
    output  reg                         carry_out,
    output  wire    [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    carries,
    output  reg                         overflow

    initial begin
        input_ready     = 1'b1; // Ready after reset.
        output_valid    = 1'b0;
        carry_out       = 1'b0;
        overflow        = 1'b0;

    `include "word_count_function.vh"
    `include "word_pad_function.vh"
    `include "clog2_function.vh"

    localparam WORD_ZERO = {WORD_WIDTH{1'b0}};

Compute how many STEP_WORD_WIDTH words we will need to hold a WORD_WIDTH input. The total width may end up larger, but we will discard the extra bits at the end.

    localparam STEP_WORD_COUNT = word_count(WORD_WIDTH, STEP_WORD_WIDTH);

    localparam STEP_WORD_ZERO  = {STEP_WORD_WIDTH{1'b0}};
    localparam STEP_TOTAL_ZERO = {STEP_WORD_WIDTH_TOTAL{1'b0}};

How many pad bits at the end of the last step word? Re-adjust to zero (see Word Pad for why) since we don't construct a pad here, only index to its position in the last step word.

    localparam PAD_WIDTH_RAW   = word_pad(WORD_WIDTH, STEP_WORD_WIDTH);
    localparam PAD_WIDTH       = (PAD_WIDTH_RAW == STEP_WORD_WIDTH) ? 0 : PAD_WIDTH_RAW;

We must add a bit of width to the step counter to deal with the special case where STEP_WORD_WIDTH equals WORD_WIDTH, so the STEP_WORD_COUNT is 1, and thus the counter would be of width zero, which is impossible. The overhead is insignificant and grows logarithmically at worst.

    localparam STEP_COUNT_WIDTH   = clog2(STEP_WORD_COUNT) + 1;
    localparam STEP_ONE           = {{STEP_COUNT_WIDTH-1{1'b0}},1'b1};
    localparam STEP_ZERO          = {STEP_COUNT_WIDTH{1'b0}};


Carry Bit Storage

Set the initial step_carry_in into the step adder/subtractor to 1 (which matches the add_sub convention) if subtracting to complete the negation of the inverted B operand, and update it at each calculation step with the step_carry_out. The final carry_out is calculated later, and depends on the PAD_WIDTH.

    reg  load_carry_initial     = 1'b0;
    reg  load_carry_step        = 1'b0;
    reg  step_carry_selected    = 1'b0;
    wire step_carry_out;
    wire step_carry_in;

    always @(*) begin
        step_carry_selected = (load_carry_initial == 1'b1) ? add_sub : step_carry_out;

        .WORD_WIDTH     (1),
        .RESET_VALUE    (1'b0)
        .clock          (clock),
        .clock_enable   (load_carry_step),
        .clear          (1'b0),
        .data_in        (step_carry_selected),
        .data_out       (step_carry_in)

Input Pipeline for A

Extend A to the total width of the pipeline as a signed integer.

    wire [STEP_WORD_WIDTH_TOTAL-1:0] A_extended;

        .SIGNED         (1),
        .original_input     (A),
        .adjusted_output    (A_extended)

Word-reverse A_extended so the pipeline outputs the least significant step word first.

    wire [STEP_WORD_WIDTH_TOTAL-1:0] A_reversed;

        .words_in   (A_extended),
        .words_out  (A_reversed)

Read A_extended into the pipeline, and feed it out one step word at a time, from least to most-significant.

    reg                        load_A = 1'b0;
    wire [STEP_WORD_WIDTH-1:0] step_A;

        .clock          (clock),
        .clock_enable   (clock_enable),
        .clear          (1'b0),
        .parallel_load  (load_A),
        .parallel_in    (A_reversed),
        // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .parallel_out   (),
        // verilator lint_on  PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .pipe_in        (STEP_WORD_ZERO),
        .pipe_out       (step_A)

Input Pipeline for B

Invert B if subtracting. The step_carry_in is already correctly initialized to 1 to make it into a negation.

We do the negation of B in this module instead of using the built-in negation logic in the Adder_Subtractor_Binary sub-module because I could not predict what logic would synthesize when subtracting, which is internally be implemented as A+((~B)+1)-carry_in. So to be sure the logic synthesizes predictably, I decided to remove carry_in as an input to this module and use the internal carry_storage as part of the negation of B when subtracting, which then implements as A+((~B)+step_carry_in).

    reg [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] B_selected = WORD_ZERO;

    always @(*) begin
        B_selected = (add_sub == 1'b1) ? ~B : B;

Extend B to the total width of the pipeline as a signed integer.

    wire [STEP_WORD_WIDTH_TOTAL-1:0] B_extended;

        .SIGNED         (1),
        .original_input     (B_selected),
        .adjusted_output    (B_extended)

Word-reverse B_extended so the pipeline outputs the least significant step word first.

    wire [STEP_WORD_WIDTH_TOTAL-1:0] B_reversed;

        .words_in   (B_extended),
        .words_out  (B_reversed)

Read B_extended into the pipeline , and feed it out one step word at a time, from least to most-significant.

    reg                        load_B = 1'b0;
    wire [STEP_WORD_WIDTH-1:0] step_B;

        .clock          (clock),
        .clock_enable   (clock_enable),
        .clear          (1'b0),
        .parallel_load  (load_B),
        .parallel_in    (B_reversed),
        // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .parallel_out   (),
        // verilator lint_on  PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .pipe_in        (STEP_WORD_ZERO),
        .pipe_out       (step_B)

Step Adder Logic

NOTE: the step_carry_in and step_carry_out storage and wiring was defined earlier.

We cannot use the built-in overflow as if there are pad bits at the MSB positions in the last step word, they will falsely disable the overflow and carry-out bits. So we calculate the overflow and carry_out later in this module, and the unused logic in Adder_Subtractor_Binary will optimize away.

The adder carry-chain should never be the critical path. If so, reduce STEP_WORD_WIDTH as needed.

    wire [STEP_WORD_WIDTH-1:0] step_sum;
    wire [STEP_WORD_WIDTH-1:0] step_carries;

        .add_sub    (1'b0), // 0/1 -> A+B/A-B
        .carry_in   (step_carry_in),
        .A          (step_A),
        .B          (step_B),
        .sum        (step_sum),
        .carry_out  (step_carry_out),
        .carries    (step_carries),
        // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .overflow   ()
        // verilator lint_on  PINCONNECTEMPTY

Output Pipeline for Sum

Store the step_sum word-by-word, then word-reverse it back to the expected order so we can extract the least-significant WORD_WIDTH subset which contains the result we want.

    reg                              load_step_sum = 1'b0;
    wire [STEP_WORD_WIDTH_TOTAL-1:0] sum_reversed;
    wire [STEP_WORD_WIDTH_TOTAL-1:0] sum_restored;

        .clock          (clock),
        .clock_enable   (load_step_sum),
        .clear          (1'b0),
        .parallel_load  (1'b0),
        .parallel_in    (STEP_TOTAL_ZERO),
        .parallel_out   (sum_reversed),
        .pipe_in        (step_sum),
        // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .pipe_out       ()
        // verilator lint_on  PINCONNECTEMPTY

        .words_in   (sum_reversed),
        .words_out  (sum_restored)

        .SIGNED         (1),
        .original_input     (sum_restored),
        .adjusted_output    (sum)

Output Pipeline for Carries

Store the carries word-by-word, then word-reverse them back to the expected order so we can extract the least-significant WORD_WIDTH subset which contains the result we want.

    reg                              load_step_carries = 1'b0;
    wire [STEP_WORD_WIDTH_TOTAL-1:0] carries_reversed;
    wire [STEP_WORD_WIDTH_TOTAL-1:0] carries_restored;

        .clock          (clock),
        .clock_enable   (load_step_carries),
        .clear          (1'b0),
        .parallel_load  (1'b0),
        .parallel_in    (STEP_TOTAL_ZERO),
        .parallel_out   (carries_reversed),
        .pipe_in        (step_carries),
        // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .pipe_out       ()
        // verilator lint_on  PINCONNECTEMPTY

        .words_in   (carries_reversed),
        .words_out  (carries_restored)

        .SIGNED         (0),
        .original_input     (carries_restored),
        .adjusted_output    (carries)

Overflow and Carry-Out Flags

We gather together the carries from the final step_sum (the most significant word of the result) and the final step_carry_in (which now holds the last step_carry_out), and select the correct carries, based on the amount of padding in the last step word, to compute the carry_out and the overflow. We have to handle all cases, including when there is no padding when STEP_WORD_WIDTH exactly divides WORD_WIDTH.

The wiring here is constant and only uses 2 bits, so it will never be a critical path, regardless of the width of all_carries.

    localparam ALL_CARRIES_ZERO  = {ALL_CARRIES_WIDTH{1'b0}};

    reg [ALL_CARRIES_WIDTH-1:0] all_carries   = ALL_CARRIES_ZERO;
    reg                         last_carry_in = 1'b0;

    always @(*) begin
        all_carries     = {step_carry_in, carries_restored [STEP_WORD_WIDTH_TOTAL-1 -: STEP_WORD_WIDTH]};
        last_carry_in   = all_carries [STEP_WORD_WIDTH - PAD_WIDTH - 1];
        carry_out       = all_carries [STEP_WORD_WIDTH - PAD_WIDTH];
        overflow        = (carry_out != last_carry_in);

Control Logic

States and Storage

We accept inputs in STATE_LOAD, compute in STATE_CALC, and present the output in STATE_DONE. Once the results are read out, we return to STATE_LOAD.

NOTE: The state encoding is arbitrary. Also, control from state_storage to the input/output pipelines will tend to be the critical path as WORD_WIDTH gets larger due to physical distance and routing congestion, depending on the target device and CAD tool.

    localparam STATE_WIDTH                   = 2;
    localparam [STATE_WIDTH-1:0] STATE_LOAD  = 2'b00;
    localparam [STATE_WIDTH-1:0] STATE_CALC  = 2'b01;
    localparam [STATE_WIDTH-1:0] STATE_DONE  = 2'b11;
    //verilator lint_off UNUSED
    localparam [STATE_WIDTH-1:0] STATE_ERROR = 2'b10; // Never reached.
    //verilator lint_on  UNUSED

    wire [STATE_WIDTH-1:0] state;
    reg  [STATE_WIDTH-1:0] state_next = STATE_LOAD;

        .WORD_WIDTH     (STATE_WIDTH),
        .clock          (clock),
        .clock_enable   (clock_enable),
        .clear          (clear),
        .data_in        (state_next),
        .data_out       (state)

Calculation Steps

Count down the calculation steps until zero, which is how long we stay in STATE_CALC.

    reg                         step_do     = 1'b0;
    reg                         step_load   = 1'b0;
    wire [STEP_COUNT_WIDTH-1:0] step;

        .INCREMENT      (STEP_ONE),
        .clock          (clock),
        .clear          (clear),

        .up_down        (1'b1), // 0/1 --> up/down
        .run            (step_do),

        .load           (step_load),
        .load_count     (STEP_COUNT_INITIAL [STEP_COUNT_WIDTH-1:0]),

        .carry_in       (1'b0),
        // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .carry_out      (),
        .carries        (),
        .overflow       (),
        // verilator lint_on  PINCONNECTEMPTY

        .count          (step)

    reg step_done = 1'b0;

    always @(*) begin
        step_done = (step == STEP_ZERO);

Input/Output Handshaking

    reg input_handshake_done  = 1'b0;
    reg output_handshake_done = 1'b0;

    always @(*) begin
        input_ready  = (state == STATE_LOAD);
        output_valid = (state == STATE_DONE);
        input_handshake_done  = (input_ready  == 1'b1) && (input_valid  == 1'b1);
        output_handshake_done = (output_ready == 1'b1) && (output_valid == 1'b1);

Control Events

    reg input_load  = 1'b0; // Load of input operation and operands.
    reg calculating = 1'b0; // High while doing the calculation steps.
    reg last_calc   = 1'b0; // High during the last calculation step.
    reg output_read = 1'b0; // When the result is read out.

    always @(*) begin
        input_load  = (state == STATE_LOAD) && (input_handshake_done  == 1'b1);
        calculating = (state == STATE_CALC);
        last_calc   = (state == STATE_CALC) && (step_done             == 1'b1);
        output_read = (state == STATE_DONE) && (output_handshake_done == 1'b1);

After this point, there should be no reference to inputs, outputs, or states. All control logic must be expressed in terms of control events.

State Transitions

    always @(*) begin
        state_next = (input_load  == 1'b1) ? STATE_CALC : state;
        state_next = (last_calc   == 1'b1) ? STATE_DONE : state_next;
        state_next = (output_read == 1'b1) ? STATE_LOAD : state_next;

Datapath Control Signals

    always @(*) begin
        load_carry_initial  = (input_load  == 1'b1);
        load_carry_step     = (input_load  == 1'b1) || (calculating == 1'b1);
        load_A              = (input_load  == 1'b1);
        load_B              = (input_load  == 1'b1);
        load_step_sum       = (calculating == 1'b1);
        load_step_carries   = (calculating == 1'b1);
        step_do             = (calculating == 1'b1);
        step_load           = (input_load  == 1'b1);


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