Correctly divides a signed integer by a power of two. Uses multiprecision arithmetic to allow working on larger integers at higher speed.
This implementation is rather complex, with multiple parallel computation pipelines. Go read the original Divider By Powers Of Two implementation to more easily understand the (identical) algorithm.
While a left shift by N is always equivalent to a multiplication by 2N for both signed and unsigned binary integers, an arithmetic shift right by N is only a truncating division by 2N for positive binary integers. For negative integers, the result is a so-called modulus division, and the quotient ends up off by one in magnitude, and must be corrected by adding +1, but only if an odd number results as part of the intermediate division steps.
The implementation is based on the PowerPC method, as described in Hacker's Delight, Section 10-1, "Signed Division by a Known Power of Two": We perform the right shift and take note if any 1-bits are shifted out. If so, add one to the shifted value.
Since we divide only by powers of two, a division by zero cannot happen. (i.e.: there exists no N where 2N = 0) Also, we only allow positive exponents. A negative exponent would imply a multiplication, and that can be done directly with a left shift and not all this complication.
Note that shifting by more than the WORD_WIDTH, with an exponent of value greater than WORD_WIDTH, will give a nonsense result for negative numbers as we only have WORD_WIDTH sign bits to shift in at most.
Since the result latency depends on the ratio of WORD_WIDTH
and whether that ratio is a whole integer, the inputs are
set with a ready/valid handshake, and can be updated after the output
handshake completes. Adjust PIPE_DEPTH
also as needed to meet timing
across the Bit Shifters.
`default_nettype none module Divider_Integer_Signed_by_Powers_of_Two_Multiprecision #( parameter WORD_WIDTH = 0, parameter STEP_WORD_WIDTH = 0, parameter PIPE_DEPTH = -1 ) ( input wire clock, input wire clock_enable, input wire clear, input wire input_valid, output wire input_ready, input wire signed [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] numerator, input wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] exponent_of_two, output wire output_valid, input wire output_ready, output wire signed [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] quotient, output wire signed [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] remainder );
We depend on automatic width extension of the WORD_WIDTH integer here, as doing it using a loop in an initial block is worse for linting and CAD warnings. I normally don't allow automatic width extension, but in this case it will always work, as the register will always store up to 2N-1 for a WORD_WIDTH of N, and N is always unsigned. This width extension is necessary to match port widths later on. We do have to silence the linter, though.
// verilator lint_off WIDTH reg [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] WORD_WIDTH_LONG = WORD_WIDTH; // verilator lint_on WIDTH localparam NEGATIVE = 1'b1; localparam WORD_ZERO = {WORD_WIDTH{1'b0}};
Fork the inputs to separate calculation pipelines. We structure the calculations as initial calculations followed by corrections, for both quotient and remainder each.
wire division_fork_valid; wire division_fork_ready; wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] division_numerator; wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] division_exponent; wire quotient_correction_fork_valid; wire quotient_correction_fork_ready; wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] quotient_correction_numerator; wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] quotient_correction_exponent; wire remainder_shift_amount_fork_valid; wire remainder_shift_amount_fork_ready; // verilator lint_off UNUSED wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] remainder_shift_amount_numerator; // verilator lint_on UNUSED wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] remainder_shift_amount_exponent; wire remainder_correction_fork_valid; wire remainder_correction_fork_ready; wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] remainder_correction_numerator; // verilator lint_off UNUSED wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] remainder_correction_exponent; // verilator lint_on UNUSED Pipeline_Fork_Eager #( .WORD_WIDTH (WORD_WIDTH * 2), .OUTPUT_COUNT (4) ) input_fork ( .clock (clock), .clear (clear), .input_valid (input_valid), .input_ready (input_ready), .input_data ({numerator, exponent_of_two}), .output_valid ({division_fork_valid, quotient_correction_fork_valid, remainder_shift_amount_fork_valid, remainder_correction_fork_valid}), .output_ready ({division_fork_ready, quotient_correction_fork_ready, remainder_shift_amount_fork_ready, remainder_correction_fork_ready}), .output_data ({division_numerator, division_exponent, quotient_correction_numerator, quotient_correction_exponent, remainder_shift_amount_numerator, remainder_shift_amount_exponent, remainder_correction_numerator, remainder_correction_exponent}) );
Do the initial, uncorrected division. The quotient may or may not be off by one at this point. It is corrected later. The remainder is "short" because all its significant bits are at the left. We will shift them, with sign extension, back to the right later.
Prepare for a positive or negative numerator, which affects division calculations.
reg division_numerator_sign = 1'b0; reg [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] division_sign_extension = WORD_ZERO; always @(*) begin division_numerator_sign = division_numerator [WORD_WIDTH-1]; division_sign_extension = {WORD_WIDTH{division_numerator_sign}}; end wire uncorrected_division_valid; wire uncorrected_division_ready; wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] uncorrected_quotient; wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] uncorrected_remainder; Bit_Shifter_Pipelined #( .WORD_WIDTH (WORD_WIDTH), .PIPE_DEPTH (PIPE_DEPTH) ) uncorrected_division ( .clock (clock), .clear (clear), .input_valid (division_fork_valid), .input_ready (division_fork_ready), .word_in_left (division_sign_extension), .word_in (division_numerator), .word_in_right (WORD_ZERO), .shift_amount (division_exponent), .shift_direction (1'b1), // 0/1 -> left/right .output_valid (uncorrected_division_valid), .output_ready (uncorrected_division_ready), // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY .word_out_left (), // verilator lint_on PINCONNECTEMPTY .word_out (uncorrected_quotient), .word_out_right (uncorrected_remainder) );
The outputs of the uncorrected division are then forked to both the quotient correction and remainder shifting calculations.
wire uncorrected_quotient_fork_valid; wire uncorrected_quotient_fork_ready; wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] uncorrected_quotient_quotient; wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] uncorrected_remainder_quotient; wire uncorrected_remainder_fork_valid; wire uncorrected_remainder_fork_ready; // verilator lint_off UNUSED wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] uncorrected_quotient_remainder; // verilator lint_on UNUSED wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] uncorrected_remainder_remainder; Pipeline_Fork_Eager #( .WORD_WIDTH (WORD_WIDTH * 2), .OUTPUT_COUNT (2) ) uncorrected_division_fork ( .clock (clock), .clear (clear), .input_valid (uncorrected_division_valid), .input_ready (uncorrected_division_ready), .input_data ({uncorrected_quotient, uncorrected_remainder}), .output_valid ({uncorrected_quotient_fork_valid, uncorrected_remainder_fork_valid}), .output_ready ({uncorrected_quotient_fork_ready, uncorrected_remainder_fork_ready}), .output_data ({uncorrected_quotient_quotient, uncorrected_remainder_quotient, uncorrected_quotient_remainder, uncorrected_remainder_remainder}) );
Then re-join the uncorrected division results with some of the original input data (numerator), forked for the quotient correction calculation.
wire quotient_correction_valid; wire quotient_correction_ready; wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] quotient_correction_quotient; wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] quotient_correction_remainder; wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] quotient_correction_numerator_joined; // verilator lint_off UNUSED wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] quotient_correction_exponent_joined; // verilator lint_on UNUSED Pipeline_Join #( .WORD_WIDTH (WORD_WIDTH * 2), .INPUT_COUNT (2) ) quotient_correction_join ( .clock (clock), .clear (clear), .input_valid ({uncorrected_quotient_fork_valid, quotient_correction_fork_valid}), .input_ready ({uncorrected_quotient_fork_ready, quotient_correction_fork_ready}), .input_data ({uncorrected_quotient_quotient, uncorrected_remainder_quotient, quotient_correction_numerator, quotient_correction_exponent}), .output_valid (quotient_correction_valid), .output_ready (quotient_correction_ready), .output_data ({quotient_correction_quotient, quotient_correction_remainder, quotient_correction_numerator_joined, quotient_correction_exponent_joined}) );
We need to know if at any point during the shift, a 1-bit was shifted into the remainder, indicating an odd-valued intermediate result, and thus an off-by-one error in the quotient. A simple OR-reduction works because we had primed that part of the shift with zeros.
reg odd_intermediate_result = 1'b0; always @(*) begin odd_intermediate_result = (quotient_correction_remainder != WORD_ZERO); end
Now, if the numerator was negative, and there was an odd-valued intermediate result, let's add +1 to the uncorrected_quotient to bring it back to the result a truncating division would give us.
reg uncorrected_numerator_sign = 1'b0; reg correction = 1'b0; always @(*) begin uncorrected_numerator_sign = quotient_correction_numerator_joined [WORD_WIDTH-1]; correction = (uncorrected_numerator_sign == NEGATIVE) && (odd_intermediate_result == 1'b1); end wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] correction_extended; Width_Adjuster #( .WORD_WIDTH_IN (1), .SIGNED (0), .WORD_WIDTH_OUT (WORD_WIDTH) ) extended_correction ( // It's possible some input bits are truncated away // verilator lint_off UNUSED .original_input (correction), // verilator lint_on UNUSED .adjusted_output (correction_extended) ); wire quotient_internal_valid; wire quotient_internal_ready; wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] quotient_internal; Adder_Subtractor_Binary_Multiprecision #( .WORD_WIDTH (WORD_WIDTH), .STEP_WORD_WIDTH (STEP_WORD_WIDTH) ) quotient_correction ( .clock (clock), .clock_enable (clock_enable), .clear (clear), .input_valid (quotient_correction_valid), .input_ready (quotient_correction_ready), .add_sub (1'b0), // 0/1 -> A+B/A-B .A (quotient_correction_quotient), .B (correction_extended), .output_valid (quotient_internal_valid), .output_ready (quotient_internal_ready), .sum (quotient_internal), // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY .carry_out (), .carries (), .overflow () // verilator lint_on PINCONNECTEMPTY );
To shift the short remainder back to the right, we need to shift by the remainder of the distance to the right, which is WORD_WIDTH - exponent_of_two.
wire remainder_shift_amount_valid; wire remainder_shift_amount_ready; wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] remainder_shift_amount; Adder_Subtractor_Binary_Multiprecision #( .WORD_WIDTH (WORD_WIDTH), .STEP_WORD_WIDTH (STEP_WORD_WIDTH) ) remainder_alignment ( .clock (clock), .clock_enable (clock_enable), .clear (clear), .input_valid (remainder_shift_amount_fork_valid), .input_ready (remainder_shift_amount_fork_ready), .add_sub (1'b1), // 0/1 -> A+B/A-B .A (WORD_WIDTH_LONG), .B (remainder_shift_amount_exponent), .output_valid (remainder_shift_amount_valid), .output_ready (remainder_shift_amount_ready), .sum (remainder_shift_amount), // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY .carry_out (), .carries (), .overflow () // verilator lint_on PINCONNECTEMPTY );
Then join the short remainder from the uncorrected division with the remainder shift amount and the original numerator in preparation for the remainder correction calculation.
wire remainder_join_valid; wire remainder_join_ready; wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] remainder_shift_amount_joined; wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] short_remainder_remainder_joined; wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] remainder_correction_numerator_joined; Pipeline_Join #( .WORD_WIDTH (WORD_WIDTH), .INPUT_COUNT (3) ) remainder_join ( .clock (clock), .clear (clear), .input_valid ({remainder_shift_amount_valid, uncorrected_remainder_fork_valid, remainder_correction_fork_valid}), .input_ready ({remainder_shift_amount_ready, uncorrected_remainder_fork_ready, remainder_correction_fork_ready}), .input_data ({remainder_shift_amount, uncorrected_remainder_remainder, remainder_correction_numerator}), .output_valid (remainder_join_valid), .output_ready (remainder_join_ready), .output_data ({remainder_shift_amount_joined, short_remainder_remainder_joined, remainder_correction_numerator_joined}) );
Let's shift the remainder significant bits back to the right, with the same sign extension as the quotient if the remainder was not zero.
reg remainder_correction_numerator_sign = 1'b0; reg [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] remainder_correction_sign_extension = WORD_ZERO; always @(*) begin remainder_correction_numerator_sign = remainder_correction_numerator_joined [WORD_WIDTH-1]; remainder_correction_sign_extension = {WORD_WIDTH{remainder_correction_numerator_sign}}; end wire remainder_internal_valid; wire remainder_internal_ready; wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] remainder_internal; Bit_Shifter_Pipelined #( .WORD_WIDTH (WORD_WIDTH), .PIPE_DEPTH (PIPE_DEPTH) ) remainder_correction ( .clock (clock), .clear (clear), .input_valid (remainder_join_valid), .input_ready (remainder_join_ready), .word_in_left (remainder_correction_sign_extension), .word_in (short_remainder_remainder_joined), .word_in_right (WORD_ZERO), .shift_amount (remainder_shift_amount_joined), .shift_direction (1'b1), // 0/1 -> left/right .output_valid (remainder_internal_valid), .output_ready (remainder_internal_ready), // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY .word_out_left (), .word_out (remainder_internal), .word_out_right () // verilator lint_on PINCONNECTEMPTY );
Finally, join the corrected remainder and quotient together into the final result.
Pipeline_Join #( .WORD_WIDTH (WORD_WIDTH), .INPUT_COUNT (2) ) output_join ( .clock (clock), .clear (clear), .input_valid ({remainder_internal_valid, quotient_internal_valid}), .input_ready ({remainder_internal_ready, quotient_internal_ready}), .input_data ({remainder_internal, quotient_internal}), .output_valid (output_valid), .output_ready (output_ready), .output_data ({remainder, quotient}) ); endmodule