


Logarithm of Powers of Two

Translates a power-of-2 binary value (a one-hot bitmask) into its integer base-2 logarithm. For example:

We can see the logarithm of a power-of-2 is simply the index of the single set bit: log2(2set_bit_index) = set_bit_index.

If the input is not a power-of-2 (more than one set bit), then this implementation will output the bitwise-OR of the logarithm of each set bit treated as a power-of-2, which I'm not sure has any use or meaning. To save hardware (we'd need a Population Count or a pair of priority bitmasks), we don't signal these cases. Also, this calculation fails if no bits are set, since log2(0) is undefined, and we cannot output zero as that's a valid logarithm. To represent the undefined case, we will set an extra bit to declare the output undefined, via a simple NOR-reduction of the input.

We can't implement using a translation table, as with the Static Address Translator, since we would have to create a table capable of holding all 2WORD_WIDTH possible values, and that would take a long time to synthesize and optimize, as well as require a lot of system memory. Instead, we precalculate each possible logarithm (one per input bit) and gate its value based on whether the corresponding input bit is set. We then OR-reduce all these possible logarithms into the final answer. We can use this implementation method since the amount of logic scales linearly with WORD_WIDTH.

You can use this module to implement unsigned division by powers-of-2 by shifting right by the logarithm value. However, signed division by powers-of-2 has a complication. See Hacker's Delight, Section 10-1, "Signed Division by a Known Power of 2".

When combined with Bitmask: Isolate Rightmost 1 Bit, this module forms the basis for the very useful Number of Trailing Zeros (ntz) function. Add a Word Reverser and you can compute Number of Leading Zeros (nlz).

`default_nettype none

module Logarithm_of_Powers_of_Two
    parameter WORD_WIDTH = 0
    input   wire    [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    one_hot_in,
    output  wire    [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    logarithm_out,
    output  reg                         logarithm_undefined

    localparam WORD_ZERO = {WORD_WIDTH{1'b0}};

    initial begin
        logarithm_undefined = 1'b0;

To keep the interface clean, logarithm_out has the same WORD_WIDTH as one_hot_in. To calculate each possbile logarithm in parallel, we need an array of one output word per input bit. But we must use a flat vector here instead of an array since we will be passing this vector of words to a Word_Reducer module, and we can't pass multidimensional arrays through module ports in Verilog-2001. This means you will hit the Verilog vector width limit of about a million when WORD_WIDTH reaches about 1024, though simulation and synthesis will have become impractically slow long before then.

    localparam TOTAL_ZERO   = {TOTAL_WIDTH{1'b0}};

    reg [TOTAL_WIDTH-1:0] all_logarithms = TOTAL_ZERO;

Most of those logarithm output bits remain a constant zero (and so require no logic) since representing the value of a binary number up to 2N-1 require at most log2(N) bits. Therefore, representing log2(2N-1) in binary only needs log2(log2(N)) bits, which is a value that grows very slowly. Having output bits stuck at zero will raise CAD tool warnings, but that's a lot less error-prone than having the enclosing logic calculate the required output logarithm bit width.

This implementation would ultimately fail if the computed logarithm needs more bits than a 32-bit Verilog integer. However, as explained above, that would require an input value exceeding 2232-1, which is 232 bits long. You are not likely to reach this limit.

So we pre-compute how many bits we will need to represent the logarithm, and also create some zero-padding to expand the logarithm back to WORD_WIDTH.

    `include "clog2_function.vh"
    localparam LOGARITHM_WIDTH = clog2(WORD_WIDTH);
    localparam PAD = {PAD_WIDTH{1'b0}};

Then, for each set input bit, put its logarithm (the bit index) into the corresponding array word, else put zero. Note how we slice the integer logarithm down to the necessary bits and then pad those back up to the array word width.

        genvar i;
        for(i = 0; i < WORD_WIDTH; i = i + 1) begin : per_input_bit
            always @(*) begin
                all_logarithms[WORD_WIDTH*i +: WORD_WIDTH] = (one_hot_in[i] == 1'b1) ? {PAD, i[LOGARITHM_WIDTH-1:0]} : WORD_ZERO;

Then, we OR-reduce the array of possible logarithms down to one.

        .OPERATION  ("OR"),
        .words_in   (all_logarithms),
        .word_out   (logarithm_out)

Finally, we detect the case where all input bits are zero and the logarithm is undefined.

    always @(*) begin
        logarithm_undefined = (one_hot_in == WORD_ZERO);


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