Gates a pipeline if the internal credit count is zero. A separate pulse input adds one credit per pulse. Continuous, multi-cycles pulses are allowed. Each completed pipeline handshake from input to output consumes one credit. The credit count is available to drive other logic (usually another Pipeline Gate).
The maximum number of credits is set by MAX_CREDIT_COUNT
and will
saturate at that value if attempting to add more credits. Saturating the
credit count will pulse current_credit_count_max
on the next cycle when
updates, and trying to add credits past the limit
will pulse add_credit_fail
on the next cycle.
`default_nettype none module Pipeline_Credit_Gate #( parameter WORD_WIDTH = 0, parameter MAX_CREDIT_COUNT = 0, // Do not set at instantiation, except in Vivado IPI. parameter CREDIT_WIDTH = clog2(MAX_CREDIT_COUNT) + 1 // +1 to hold powers of two exactly ) ( input wire clock, input wire clear, input wire input_data_valid, output wire input_data_ready, input wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] input_data, input wire add_credit_pulse, output wire add_credit_fail, output wire [CREDIT_WIDTH-1:0] current_credit_count, output wire current_credit_count_max, output wire current_credit_count_zero, output wire output_data_valid, input wire output_data_ready, output wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] output_data ); `include "clog2_function.vh" localparam CREDIT_ZERO = {CREDIT_WIDTH{1'b0}}; localparam CREDIT_ONE = {{CREDIT_WIDTH-1{1'b0}},1'b1};
Obviously, we need a Pipeline Gate at the heart of this module.
reg open_gate = 1'b0; always @(*) begin open_gate = (current_credit_count_zero == 1'b0); end Pipeline_Gate #( .WORD_WIDTH (WORD_WIDTH), .IMPLEMENTATION ("AND"), .GATE_DATA (0) ) pipeline_gate ( .enable (open_gate), .input_ready (input_data_ready), .input_valid (input_data_valid), .input_data (input_data), .output_valid (output_data_valid), .output_ready (output_data_ready), .output_data (output_data) );
And a way to count credits and saturate at the max count.
We cannot add pipe stages to the accumulator, else the adding/consuming of credits takes multiple cycles and that both requires more pipeline logic, and divides the througput by the number of pipe stages!
reg credit_incr_decr = 1'b0; reg credit_incr_decr_valid = 1'b0; Accumulator_Binary_Saturating #( .EXTRA_PIPE_STAGES (0), // DO NOT CHANGE. MUST BE 0 OR WILL NOT OPERATE PROPERLY (NO HANDLING OF "DONE" LATENCY) .WORD_WIDTH (CREDIT_WIDTH), .INITIAL_VALUE (CREDIT_ZERO) ) credit_counter ( .clock (clock), .clock_enable (1'b1), .clear (clear), // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY .clear_done (), // verilator lint_on PINCONNECTEMPTY .increment_carry_in (1'b0), .increment_add_sub (credit_incr_decr), // 0/1 --> +/- .increment_value (CREDIT_ONE), .increment_valid (credit_incr_decr_valid), // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY .increment_done (), // verilator lint_on PINCONNECTEMPTY .load_value (CREDIT_ZERO), .load_valid (1'b0), // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY .load_done (), // verilator lint_on PINCONNECTEMPTY .limit_max (MAX_CREDIT_COUNT [CREDIT_WIDTH-1:0]), .limit_min (CREDIT_ZERO), // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY .accumulated_value (current_credit_count), .accumulated_value_carry_out (), .accumulated_value_carries (), .accumulated_value_at_limit_max (current_credit_count_max), .accumulated_value_over_limit_max (add_credit_fail), .accumulated_value_at_limit_min (current_credit_count_zero), .accumulated_value_under_limit_min () // verilator lint_on PINCONNECTEMPTY );
Finally, the control logic. We can simply track the input handshake since the Pipeline Gate is unbuffered (combinational).
localparam CREDIT_INCREMENT = 1'b0; localparam CREDIT_DECREMENT = 1'b1; reg handshake_done = 1'b0; always @(*) begin handshake_done = (input_data_ready == 1'b1) && (input_data_valid == 1'b1); credit_incr_decr = (handshake_done == 1'b1) ? CREDIT_DECREMENT : CREDIT_INCREMENT; credit_incr_decr = (add_credit_pulse == 1'b1) ? CREDIT_INCREMENT : credit_incr_decr; credit_incr_decr_valid = (handshake_done != add_credit_pulse); end endmodule