


Pipeline Merge (One-Hot Selector)

Takes in multiple input ready/valid handshakes with associated data, and merges them one at a time into a single output ready/valid handshake. An input is merged when selected by a one-hot bit vector. (Use Binary to One-Hot if necessary.)


Normally, the selector remains stable while input transfers are in progress (input ready and valid both high), but if you are careful you can change the selector each cycle to interleave data from multiple inputs transfers into the output transfer.

Multiple/No selected inputs

Normally, only one bit of the one-hot selector must be set at any time.

If more than one bit is set, then the multiple selected inputs are combined so that the output receives a Boolean reduction of the selected input valids (HANDSHAKE_MERGE), and a possibly different Boolean reduction of the selected input data (DATA_MERGE). For example, if both merge parameters are set to "OR", and if you can guarantee that only one input is active at any given moment, the resulting operation is that of a non-synchronizing Pipeline Join.

If no bit is set, then the inputs are all disconnected and no input handshake can complete, effectively forming a multi-input Pipeline Gate. Any pending output handshake can still complete. Formally speaking, letting the output handshake proceed after an input handshake was accepted is necessary to not break the monotonicity property of Kahn Process Networks.

The IMPLEMENTATION parameter defaults to "AND", and controls the implementation of the Annullers inside the mux/demux. It is unlikely you will need to change it.

Avoiding combinational loops

As a design convention, we must avoid a combinational path between the valid and ready signals in a given pipeline interface, because if the other end of the pipeline connection also has a ready/valid combinational path, connecting these two interfaces will form a combinational loop, which cannot be analyzed for timing, or simulated reliably.

Thus, the output interface is buffered to break the combinational path, even if the buffering is redundant. It's not worth the risk of a bad simulation or synthesis otherwise.

`default_nettype none

module Pipeline_Merge_One_Hot
    parameter WORD_WIDTH        = 0,
    parameter INPUT_COUNT       = 0,
    parameter HANDSHAKE_MERGE   = "",
    parameter DATA_MERGE        = "",
    parameter IMPLEMENTATION    = "AND",

    // Do not set at instantiation, except in IPI
    input  wire                     clock,
    input  wire                     clear,

    input  wire [INPUT_COUNT-1:0]   selector,

    input  wire [INPUT_COUNT-1:0]   input_valid,
    output wire [INPUT_COUNT-1:0]   input_ready,
    input  wire [TOTAL_WIDTH-1:0]   input_data,

    output wire                     output_valid,
    input  wire                     output_ready,
    output wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    output_data

First, pass the selected input valid to the output buffer valid.

    wire input_valid_selected;

        .WORD_WIDTH     (1),
        .WORD_COUNT     (INPUT_COUNT),
        .selectors  (selector),
        .words_in   (input_valid),
        .word_out   (input_valid_selected)

Select the associated input data to pass to the output buffer data.

    wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] input_data_selected;

        .WORD_WIDTH     (WORD_WIDTH),
        .WORD_COUNT     (INPUT_COUNT),
        .OPERATION      (DATA_MERGE),
        .selectors      (selector),
        .words_in       (input_data),
        .word_out       (input_data_selected)

Steer the output buffer ready port to the selected input ready port. Since this is a single-bit signal, the valids_out isn't necessary if we don't broadcast.

    wire input_ready_buffered;

        .BROADCAST      (0),
        .WORD_WIDTH     (1),
        .selectors      (selector),
        .word_in        (input_ready_buffered),
        .words_out      (input_ready),
        // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .valids_out     ()
        // verilator lint_on  PINCONNECTEMPTY

Finally, we must buffer the output interface to break the combinational path from valid to ready.

        .WORD_WIDTH      (WORD_WIDTH),
        .CIRCULAR_BUFFER (0)            // Not meaningful here
        .clock          (clock),
        .clear          (clear),
        .input_valid    (input_valid_selected),
        .input_ready    (input_ready_buffered),
        .input_data     (input_data_selected),
        .output_valid   (output_valid),
        .output_ready   (output_ready),
        .output_data    (output_data)


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