


Pulse to Pipeline Interface

Wraps a module with an output pulse interface inside a ready/valid output handshake interface. The connected module must have at least one pipeline stage from input to output. No combinational paths allowed else the input and output handshake logic will form a loop.

When we have a module that cannot be fully pipelined due to a data dependency (e.g.: because of a backwards loop in the pipeline, or simply by the iterative nature of the implemented algorithm), and thus cannot accept a new input every cycle (i.e.: it has an initiation interval greater than 1), then we design the connected module to accept a new input with a one-cycle valid pulse, and to signal the updated output 1 or more cycles later with a corresponding one-cycle output pulse.

This Pulse to Pipeline module converts that output pulse interface into a pipeline output with a ready/valid handshake, and once read out, signals the corresponding input interface that new data can be accepted.

Note that the connected module result can only be read out once, even if held steady until the next update. This is necessary to meet some Kahn Process Network criteria, and to allow for the connected module to use its output registers as part of its computations, rather than have extra buffers (which we instead hold here as the output_buffer).

We assume here that the connected module is not C-Slowed, though that is allowed. You will have to keep track of the separate computation streams yourself in the enclosing module.

Choosing the Output Buffer Type

An output buffer is necessary to cut the backwards combinational path from ready_out to module_ready, as well as to get the best performance and expected behaviour, depending on the connected module. Set OUTPUT_BUFFER_TYPE (and maybe FIFO_BUFFER_DEPTH, FIFO_BUFFER_RAMSTYLE, and OUTPUT_BUFFER_CIRCULAR) as required.

`default_nettype none

module Pulse_to_Pipeline
    parameter WORD_WIDTH                = 0,
    parameter OUTPUT_BUFFER_TYPE        = "", // "HALF", "SKID", "FIFO"
    parameter OUTPUT_BUFFER_CIRCULAR    = 0,  // non-zero to enable
    parameter FIFO_BUFFER_DEPTH         = 0,  // Only for "FIFO"
    parameter FIFO_BUFFER_RAMSTYLE      = ""  // Only for "FIFO"
    input   wire                        clock,
    input   wire                        clear,

    // Pipeline output
    output  wire                        valid_out,
    input   wire                        ready_out,
    output  wire    [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    data_out,

    // Pulse interface from connected module
    input   wire    [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    module_data_out,
    input   wire                        module_data_out_valid,

    // Signal that the module can accept the next input
    output  reg                         module_ready

    initial begin
        module_ready = 1'b0;

Express the usual conditions to complete a ready/valid handshake. The "internal" signals connect to a Skid Buffer that deals with the final output handshake to the downstream pipeline. When we have transferred the module's output data to the Skid Buffer, we signal the module is ready for the next input.

    reg  valid_out_internal     = 1'b0;
    wire ready_out_internal;
    reg  output_handshake_done  = 1'b0;

    always @(*) begin
        output_handshake_done   = (valid_out_internal == 1'b1) && (ready_out_internal == 1'b1);
        module_ready            = (output_handshake_done == 1'b1);

The output ready/valid handshake starts when the connected module updates its output data.

    wire valid_out_latched;

        .RESET_VALUE    (1'b0)
        .clock          (clock),
        .clear          (output_handshake_done),
        .pulse_in       (module_data_out_valid),
        .level_out      (valid_out_latched)

Pass the module pulse directly, and also latch it. This removes a cycle of latency and still allows the output handshake to complete later if the downstream logic is not ready.

    always @(*) begin
        valid_out_internal = (valid_out_latched == 1'b1) || (module_data_out_valid == 1'b1);

Buffer the output handshake to cut the backwards combinational path from ready_out to module_ready. A Half-Buffer blocks module_ready until it is read out, and the data is the first buffered one since last read out. A Skid Buffer allows overlap by raising module_ready while holding 1 previous result, but holding 2 results will cause it to block. A FIFO buffer will allow overlap and hold up to FIFO_BUFFER_DEPTH values before blocking.


        if (OUTPUT_BUFFER_TYPE == "HALF") begin : gen_half
                .WORD_WIDTH         (WORD_WIDTH),
                .clock          (clock),
                .clear          (clear),

                .input_valid    (valid_out_internal),
                .input_ready    (ready_out_internal),
                .input_data     (module_data_out),

                .output_valid   (valid_out),
                .output_ready   (ready_out),
                .output_data    (data_out)
        else if (OUTPUT_BUFFER_TYPE == "SKID") begin : gen_skid
                .WORD_WIDTH         (WORD_WIDTH),
                .clock          (clock),
                .clear          (clear),

                .input_valid    (valid_out_internal),
                .input_ready    (ready_out_internal),
                .input_data     (module_data_out),

                .output_valid   (valid_out),
                .output_ready   (ready_out),
                .output_data    (data_out)
        else if (OUTPUT_BUFFER_TYPE == "FIFO") begin : gen_fifo
                .WORD_WIDTH         (WORD_WIDTH),
                .DEPTH              (FIFO_BUFFER_DEPTH),
                .RAMSTYLE           (FIFO_BUFFER_RAMSTYLE),
                .clock          (clock),
                .clear          (clear),

                .input_valid    (valid_out_internal),
                .input_ready    (ready_out_internal),
                .input_data     (module_data_out),

                .output_valid   (valid_out),
                .output_ready   (ready_out),
                .output_data    (data_out)



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