Implements a memory with a single write port and multiple concurrent read ports (1WnR) by replicating the storage once for each read port and having writes go to all replicated storage banks. The implementation of the storage is set by a parameter.
There is no synchronous clear on the output: In Quartus at least, any register driving it cannot be retimed, and it may not be as portable. Instead, use separate logic (e.g.: an Annuller) to zero-out the output down the line.
The READ_NEW_DATA parameter control the behaviour of simultaneous reads and writes to the same address. This is the most important parameter when considering what kind of memory block the CAD tool will infer.
describes a memory which returns the OLD value (in the
memory) on coincident read and write (no write-forwarding). This is
well-suited for LUT-based memory, such as MLABs.READ_NEW_DATA = 1
(or any non-zero value) describes a memory which
returns NEW data (from the write) on coincident read and write, usually by
inferring some surrounding write-forwarding logic. Good for dedicated
Block RAMs, such as M10K.The inferred write-forwarding logic also allows the RAM to operate at higher frequency, since a read corrupted by a simultaneous write to the same address will be discarded and replaced by the write value at the output mux of the forwarding logic. Otherwise, the RAM must internally perform the write on one edge of the clock, and the read on the other, which requires a longer cycle time.
For Quartus, if you do not want write-forwarding, but still get the higher
speed at the price of indeterminate behaviour on coincident read/writes,
use "no_rw_check" as part of the RAMSTYLE (e.g.: "M10K, no_rw_check").
Depending on the FPGA hardware, this may also help when returning OLD data.
If that fails, add this setting to your Quartus project:
to disable creation of write-forwarding logic, as Quartus ignores the
"no_rw_check" RAMSTYLE for M10K BRAMs.
Vivado uses a different mechanism to control write-forwarding: set RW_ADDR_COLLISION to "yes" to force the inference of write forwarding logic, or "no" to prevent it. Otherwise, set it to "auto".
`default_nettype none module RAM_1WnR_Replicated #( parameter WORD_WIDTH = 0, parameter READ_PORT_COUNT = 0, parameter ADDR_WIDTH = 0, parameter DEPTH = 0, parameter USE_INIT_FILE = 0, parameter INIT_FILE = "", parameter [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] INIT_VALUE = 0, parameter RAMSTYLE = "", // See RAM_Simple_Dual_Port for usage of these parameters parameter READ_NEW_DATA = 0, parameter RW_ADDR_COLLISION = "", // Do not set at instantiation, except in IPI parameter TOTAL_READ_DATA = WORD_WIDTH * READ_PORT_COUNT, parameter TOTAL_READ_ADDR = ADDR_WIDTH * READ_PORT_COUNT ) ( input wire clock, input wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] write_data, input wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] write_address, input wire write_enable, output wire [TOTAL_READ_DATA-1:0] read_data, input wire [TOTAL_READ_ADDR-1:0] read_address, input wire [READ_PORT_COUNT-1:0] read_enable );
There is no logic: it's a number of copies of 1W1R memories with the write ports tied together. It's not the most area-efficient method, but it is the simplest, fastest, and most flexible when it fits.
generate genvar i; for (i=0; i < READ_PORT_COUNT; i=i+1) begin: per_read_port RAM_Simple_Dual_Port #( .WORD_WIDTH (WORD_WIDTH), .ADDR_WIDTH (ADDR_WIDTH), .DEPTH (DEPTH), .RAMSTYLE (RAMSTYLE), .READ_NEW_DATA (READ_NEW_DATA), .RW_ADDR_COLLISION (RW_ADDR_COLLISION), .USE_INIT_FILE (USE_INIT_FILE), .INIT_FILE (INIT_FILE), .INIT_VALUE (INIT_VALUE) ) Replicated_Storage_Bank ( .clock (clock), .wren (write_enable), .write_addr (write_address), .write_data (write_data), .rden (read_enable [i]), .read_addr (read_address [ADDR_WIDTH*i +: ADDR_WIDTH]), .read_data (read_data [WORD_WIDTH*i +: WORD_WIDTH]) ); end endgenerate endmodule