


A Priority Arbiter

Returns a one-hot grant bitmask of the least-significant bit set in a word, where bit 0 can be viewed as having highest priority. A grant is held until the request is released.

The requestors must raise and hold a requests bit and wait until the corresponding grant bit rises to begin their transaction. Grants are calculated combinationally from the requests, so pipeline as necessary. The highest priority pending and unmasked request is granted once the currently granted request is released. The grant remains for as long as the request is held without interruption. Requesters can raise or drop their requests before their turn comes, but this must be done synchronously to the clock.


A common use-case for an arbiter is to drive a one-hot multiplexer to select one of multiple senders requesting for one receiver, or one of multiple receivers requesting from one sender. This arrangement requires that the requestors can raise and hold a requests bit, wait until they receive the correspondig grant bit to begin their transaction, and to drop their requests bit only once they are done. This is very similar to a ready/valid handshake, except that the transaction cannot be interrupted, else the granted access is lost.


A Priority Arbiter is not fair: if a higher-priority request happens too frequently it will starve lower-priority requests, and if a lower-priority request holds its grant too long it will starve higher-priority requests, causing priority inversion. To distribute the grants fairly, you need a Round-Robin Arbiter.


To enable the creation of custom fairness adjustments, the requests_mask input can be used to exclude one or more requests from being granted in the current cycle, and must be updated synchronously to the clock. The requests_mask is arbitrary, and if desired can be calculated from the current requests, the grant_previous one-hot output which holds the grant from the previous clock cycle, and the current one-hot grant output.

If unused, leave requests_mask set to all-ones, and the masking logic will optimize away.

`default_nettype none

module Arbiter_Priority
    parameter INPUT_COUNT = 0
    input   wire                        clock,
    input   wire                        clear,

    input   wire    [INPUT_COUNT-1:0]   requests,
    input   wire    [INPUT_COUNT-1:0]   requests_mask,  // Set to all-ones if unused.
    output  wire    [INPUT_COUNT-1:0]   grant_previous,
    output  reg     [INPUT_COUNT-1:0]   grant

    localparam INPUT_ZERO = {INPUT_COUNT{1'b0}};

    initial begin
        grant = INPUT_ZERO;

First we filter the requests, masking off any externally disabled requestst (requests_mask bit is 0)

    reg  [INPUT_COUNT-1:0] requests_masked = INPUT_ZERO;

    always @(*) begin
        requests_masked = requests & requests_mask;

Then, from the remaining requests, we further mask out all but the highest priority (lowest bit) set request. This is the new grant candidate.

    wire [INPUT_COUNT-1:0] grant_candidate;
        .word_in    (requests_masked),
        .word_out   (grant_candidate)

If the request granted on the previous clock cycle is still active, hold it. Else, select the current candidate.

    always @(*) begin
        grant = ((requests & grant_previous) != INPUT_ZERO) ? grant_previous : grant_candidate;

A grant cannot be interrupted by a higher priority request until the current granted request is released. We need a register to store the current grant for the next clock cycle.

        .WORD_WIDTH     (INPUT_COUNT),
        .clock          (clock),
        .clock_enable   (1'b1),
        .clear          (clear),
        .data_in        (grant),
        .data_out       (grant_previous)


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