


Arithmetic Predicates (Binary), using Multiprecision Arithmetic

Given two integers, A and B, derives all the possible arithmetic predictates (equal, greater-than, less-than-equal, etc...) as both signed and unsigned comparisons. Uses multiprecision arithmetic to allow handling very wide integers.

This code implements "How the Computer Sets the Comparison Predicates" in Section 2-12 of Henry S. Warren, Jr.'s Hacker's Delight, which describes how to compute all the integer comparisons, based on the condition flags generated after a (2's-complement) subtraction A-B.

Multiprecision Implementation

This version uses a Multiprecision Binary Adder/Subtractor to calculate predicates on very wide integers without reducing operating speed or greatly increasing area, at the price of a few cycles of latency per result (roughly ceil(WORD_WIDTH / STEP_WORD_WIDTH) cycles). If you need results every cycle, use a conventional Arithmetic Predicates and pipeline the inputs.

`default_nettype none

module Arithmetic_Predicates_Binary_Multiprecision
    parameter WORD_WIDTH        = 0,
    parameter STEP_WORD_WIDTH   = 0,
    parameter PIPELINE_DEPTH    = -1
    input   wire                        clock,
    input   wire                        clock_enable,
    input   wire                        clear,

    input   wire                        input_valid,
    output  wire                        input_ready,

    input   wire    [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    A,
    input   wire    [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    B,

    output  wire                        output_valid,
    input   wire                        output_ready,

    output  reg                         A_eq_B,

    output  reg                         A_lt_B_unsigned,
    output  reg                         A_lte_B_unsigned,
    output  reg                         A_gt_B_unsigned,
    output  reg                         A_gte_B_unsigned,

    output  reg                         A_lt_B_signed,
    output  reg                         A_lte_B_signed,
    output  reg                         A_gt_B_signed,
    output  reg                         A_gte_B_signed

    localparam ZERO = {WORD_WIDTH{1'b0}};

    initial begin
        A_eq_B              = 1'b0;
        A_lt_B_unsigned     = 1'b0;
        A_lte_B_unsigned    = 1'b0;
        A_gt_B_unsigned     = 1'b0;
        A_gte_B_unsigned    = 1'b0;
        A_lt_B_signed       = 1'b0;
        A_lte_B_signed      = 1'b0;
        A_gt_B_signed       = 1'b0;
        A_gte_B_signed      = 1'b0;

First, let's subtract B from A, and get the the carry-out and overflow bits.

NOTE: we cannot pipeline here, as there is a loop inside the Adder_Subtractor_Binary_Multiprecision. We pipeline the raw results later below.

    wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]   difference_raw;
    wire                    carry_out_raw;
    wire                    overflow_signed_raw;

    wire                    output_valid_raw;
    wire                    output_ready_raw;

        .WORD_WIDTH         (WORD_WIDTH),
        .clock          (clock),
        .clock_enable   (clock_enable),
        .clear          (clear),

        .input_valid    (input_valid),
        .input_ready    (input_ready),

        .add_sub        (1'b1), // 0/1 -> A+B/A-B
        .A              (A),
        .B              (B),

        .output_valid   (output_valid_raw),
        .output_ready   (output_ready_raw),

        .sum            (difference_raw),
        .carry_out      (carry_out_raw),
        // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .carries        (),
        // verilator lint_on  PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .overflow       (overflow_signed_raw)

Since this module is intended to handle very wide integers, let's add optional pipelining here to both retime into the final predicate calculation logic, and to allow flexible placement of logic.

    wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]   difference;
    wire                    carry_out;
    wire                    overflow_signed;

    localparam PIPELINE_WIDTH = WORD_WIDTH + 1 + 1;

        // If PIPE_DEPTH is zero, these are unused
        // verilator lint_off UNUSED
        .clock          (clock),
        .clear          (clear),
        // verilator lint_on  UNUSED
        .input_valid    (output_valid_raw),
        .input_ready    (output_ready_raw),
        .input_data     ({difference_raw, carry_out_raw, overflow_signed_raw}),

        .output_valid   (output_valid),
        .output_ready   (output_ready),
        .output_data    ({difference,     carry_out,     overflow_signed})

We now have enough information to compute all the arithmetic predicates. Note that in 2's-complement subtraction, the meaning of the carry-out bit is reversed, and that special care must be taken for signed comparisons to distinguish the carry-out from an overflow. This code takes advantage of the sequential evaluation of blocking assignments in a Verilog procedural block to re-use and optimize the logic expressions.

    reg negative = 1'b0;

    always @(*) begin
        negative            = (difference[WORD_WIDTH-1] == 1'b1);
        A_eq_B              = (difference == ZERO);

        A_lt_B_unsigned     = (carry_out == 1'b0);
        A_lte_B_unsigned    = (A_lt_B_unsigned == 1'b1) || (A_eq_B == 1'b1);
        A_gte_B_unsigned    = (carry_out == 1'b1);
        A_gt_B_unsigned     = (A_gte_B_unsigned == 1'b1) && (A_eq_B == 1'b0);

        A_lt_B_signed       = (negative != overflow_signed);
        A_lte_B_signed      = (A_lt_B_signed == 1'b1) || (A_eq_B == 1'b1);
        A_gte_B_signed      = (negative == overflow_signed);
        A_gt_B_signed       = (A_gte_B_signed == 1'b1) && (A_eq_B == 1'b0);


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