


Register Pipeline

Pipelines data words through a number of register stages, with both parallel and serial inputs and outputs. Besides the obvious uses for serial/parallel conversion and pipeline alignment, a register pipeline can be part of shift-and-add algorithms such as multiplication through conditional addition.

Each cycle clock_enable is high, the pipeline shifts by one from LSB to MSB, or loads a new set of parallel values. Load overrides shift. pipe_in feeds the LSB, and pipe_out read from the MSB.

NOTE: PIPE_DEPTH must be 1 or greater. (Supporting a depth of zero would make this code far too messy and leave the parallel input/output ports unconnected, which will raise CAD warnings. See the Simple Register Pipeline instead.)

Depending on how you parameterize and use it, a register pipeline can act as a delay pipeline or a shift register:

If no parallel loads are required, hardwire parallel_load to zero, and the multiplexers will optimize away, if any, and you'll end up with a pure shift register (but see the Simple Register Pipeline if this is your main use-case). Conversely, hardwire parallel_load to one, and tie off the pipe_in input, and you'll end up with a conveniently packaged bank of registers.

The RESET_VALUES parameter allows each pipeline stage to start loaded with a known initial value, which can simplify system startup. The pipeline will also clear to the same values. Set RESET_VALUES to the concatenation of all initial/reset values, with the rightmost value being the first one (at the least-significant bit (LSB)).

`default_nettype none

module Register_Pipeline
    parameter                   WORD_WIDTH      = 0,
    parameter                   PIPE_DEPTH      = 0,
    // Don't set at instantiation
    parameter                   TOTAL_WIDTH     = WORD_WIDTH * PIPE_DEPTH,

    // concatenation of each stage initial/reset value
    parameter [TOTAL_WIDTH-1:0] RESET_VALUES    = 0
    input   wire                        clock,
    input   wire                        clock_enable,
    input   wire                        clear,
    input   wire                        parallel_load,
    input   wire    [TOTAL_WIDTH-1:0]   parallel_in,
    output  reg     [TOTAL_WIDTH-1:0]   parallel_out,
    input   wire    [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    pipe_in,
    output  reg     [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    pipe_out

    localparam WORD_ZERO = {WORD_WIDTH{1'b0}};

    initial begin
        pipe_out = WORD_ZERO;

Each pipeline state is composed of a Multiplexer feeding a Register, so we can select either the output of the previous Register, or the parallel load data. So we need a set of input and ouput wires for each stage.

    wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] pipe_stage_in     [PIPE_DEPTH-1:0];
    wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] pipe_stage_out    [PIPE_DEPTH-1:0];

The following attributes prevent the implementation of the multiplexer with DSP blocks. This can be a useful implementation choice sometimes, but here it's terrible, since FPGA flip-flops usually have separate data and synchronous load inputs, giving us a 2:1 mux for free. If not, then we should use LUTs instead, or other multiplexers built into the logic blocks.

    (* multstyle = "logic" *) // Quartus
    (* use_dsp   = "no" *)    // Vivado

We strip out first iteration of module instantiations to avoid having to refer to index -1 in the generate loop, and also to connect to pipe_in rather than the output of a previous register.

        .WORD_WIDTH     (WORD_WIDTH),
        .ADDR_WIDTH     (1),
        .INPUT_COUNT    (2)
        .selector       (parallel_load),    
        .words_in       ({parallel_in[0 +: WORD_WIDTH], pipe_in}),
        .word_out       (pipe_stage_in[0])

        .WORD_WIDTH     (WORD_WIDTH),
        .clock          (clock),
        .clock_enable   (clock_enable),
        .clear          (clear),
        .data_in        (pipe_stage_in[0]),
        .data_out       (pipe_stage_out[0])

    always @(*) begin
        parallel_out[0 +: WORD_WIDTH] = pipe_stage_out[0];

Now repeat over the remainder of the pipeline stages, starting at stage 1, connecting each pipeline stage to the output of the previous pipeline stage.


        genvar i;

        for(i=1; i < PIPE_DEPTH; i=i+1) begin : pipe_stages

            (* multstyle = "logic" *) // Quartus
            (* use_dsp   = "no" *)    // Vivado

                .WORD_WIDTH     (WORD_WIDTH),
                .ADDR_WIDTH     (1),
                .INPUT_COUNT    (2)
                .selector       (parallel_load),    
                .words_in       ({parallel_in[WORD_WIDTH*i +: WORD_WIDTH], pipe_stage_out[i-1]}),
                .word_out       (pipe_stage_in[i])

                .WORD_WIDTH     (WORD_WIDTH),
                .clock          (clock),
                .clock_enable   (clock_enable),
                .clear          (clear),
                .data_in        (pipe_stage_in[i]),
                .data_out       (pipe_stage_out[i])

            always @(*) begin
                parallel_out[WORD_WIDTH*i +: WORD_WIDTH] = pipe_stage_out[i];



And finally, connect the output of the last register to the module pipe output.

    always @(*) begin
        pipe_out = pipe_stage_out[PIPE_DEPTH-1];


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