


Simulation Clock

This text is mostly lifted from the Simulated Clock Generation section of my Verilog Coding Standard. Credit goes to Claire Wolf (@oe1cxw) for teaching me this finer point of Verilog simulation.

NOTE: This code cannot work in Verilator, which can only simulate synthesizable Verilog, and thus does not support delayed assignments. Simulate the clock in the C++ testbench instead, or if you must use Verilog, try the Icarus Verilog simulator.

NOTE: This clock cannot be used directly as a periodic data signal. It causes a race condition in the Verilog simulation event queue. I have not yet found a solution.

In simulation, a race condition can exist at time zero between the initial value assignment of a register and the first clock edge. For example:

reg clock = 1'b0; // Counts as a negedge at time zero! (1'bX -> 1'b0)
reg foo   = 1'b0; // Also does 1'bX -> 1'b0 at time zero.
reg bar   = 1'b0;

// Simulate the clock
always begin
    #HALF_PERIOD clock = ~clock;

// Use the simulated clock
always @(negedge clock) begin
    bar <= foo;

In the code above, it is unclear if the initial negative clock edge or the initialization of foo will simulate first, so bar might get assigned 1'bX for the first simulation cycle, which is not what the code intends. This race condition is another reason to only use @(posedge clock) in internal logic, but the same race condition will happen if the simulation clock happens to be initialized to 1'b1.

Instead, the following clock simulation idiom avoids the race condition by making use of undefined values and the identity operator ===, which matches X values exactly, instead of the equality == operator which treats X as false: we leave the clock uninitialized to 1'bX, and compare it by identity after one clock half-period delay, which then assigns it false (1'b0).

`default_nettype none

`timescale 1ns / 1ps

module Simulation_Clock
    parameter CLOCK_PERIOD = 10
    output reg clock

    localparam HALF_PERIOD = CLOCK_PERIOD / 2;

    always begin
        #HALF_PERIOD clock = (clock === 1'b0);


Additionally, the following tidbits are handy to use with the resulting clock. If you use WAIT_CYCLES or UNTIL_CYCLE exclusively to time actions, without using # delays, then a timescale directive is not necessary anywhere else, and your simulation will run at the correct simulated rate.

`define WAIT_CYCLES(n) repeat (n) begin @(posedge clock); end

time cycle = 0;

always @(posedge clock) begin
    cycle = cycle + 1;

`define UNTIL_CYCLE(n) wait (cycle == n);

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