


Pipeline Iterator

A hardware for-loop. Drives an attached module over multiple iterations with an initial set of one or more data words stored in a FIFO. During each iteration, we refill the FIFO with either the initial data, or the output of the attached module. During the last iteration, the output of the attached module is instead sent to the output interface, and the FIFO finishes empty.

Since this Pipeline Iterator is itself a module with ready/valid handshakes at the input and output, it should be possible in theory to nest multiple Iterators to implement nested loops in hardware.

In all cases, the module output MUST be of the same width and of the same number of words as the original input, without concern for the meaning or structure of the data words.

The FIFO must be equal or deeper than the largest possible input data set, else the Iterator will PERMANENTLY hang during the initial data load since the FIFO will have filled up and cannot complete the initial load. You will need to raise clear to make it work again. To prevent this situation, be careful to never configure a data count greater than FIFO_DEPTH if DATA_COUNT_WIDTH makes it possible.


First, set the number of data words, the number of iterations, and the feedback type (feedback input data (0), or feedback module output (1)) via the control interface. These settings are persistent, but cannot be changed after data begins to load, and until all iterations are complete. A setting of zero to one or both of the data count and iteration count will halt the Iterator until it is configured without any such zeros.

Second, load the expected number of data words into the input interface, which will begin the iterations. The output interface will output the same number of data words during the last iteration. Note that the data count and word width are identical at the input and output: you may need a bit of width-adjusting wiring around the connected module to compensate if the output is not of the same width as the input (e.g.: an adder). If the number of output words is lesser (or greater), then you will need extra logic to pad (or trim) the output of the connected module back to the expected number of words. If you are feeding the module output back to the input, the module must be able to handle this padding.

Parameters and Ports

`default_nettype none

module Pipeline_Iterator
    parameter WORD_WIDTH        = 0,        // Width of input and output
    parameter FIFO_RAMSTYLE     = "",       // FIFO RAM implementation
    parameter FIFO_DEPTH        = 0,        // FIFO depth MUST be deep enough to hold all data
    parameter ITER_COUNT_WIDTH  = 0,        // Width of iteration count value
    parameter DATA_COUNT_WIDTH  = 0         // Width of data count value 
    input   wire                            clock,
    input   wire                            clear,

    // Interface to configure the Iterator 
    input   wire                            control_valid,
    output  wire                            control_ready,
    input   wire    [ITER_COUNT_WIDTH-1:0]  iteration_count,
    input   wire    [DATA_COUNT_WIDTH-1:0]  data_count,
    input   wire                            feedback_type,

    // Interface for the input data
    input   wire                            input_valid,
    output  wire                            input_ready,
    input   wire    [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]        input_data,

    // Interface to the iterated module
    output  wire                            to_module_valid,
    input   wire                            to_module_ready,
    output  wire    [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]        to_module_data,

    // Interface from the iterated module
    input   wire                            from_module_valid,
    output  wire                            from_module_ready,
    input   wire    [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]        from_module_data,

    // Interface for the final output data
    output  wire                            output_valid,
    input   wire                            output_ready,
    output  wire    [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]        output_data

Input Selector

Here we select the input to feed into the FIFO: the initial input data, the FIFO output, the attached module output, or none (when not configured or halted).

    localparam INPUT_SOURCE_COUNT   = 3; // new data, buffered data, or module output
    localparam INPUT_SELECT_NONE    = 3'b000;
    localparam INPUT_SELECT_INPUT   = 3'b100;
    localparam INPUT_SELECT_FIFO    = 3'b010;
    localparam INPUT_SELECT_MODULE  = 3'b001;

    reg  [INPUT_SOURCE_COUNT-1:0] input_select_one_hot = INPUT_SELECT_NONE;

    wire                    fifo_feedback_valid;
    wire                    fifo_feedback_ready;
    wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]   fifo_feedback_data;

    wire                    module_feedback_valid;
    wire                    module_feedback_ready;
    wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]   module_feedback_data;

    wire                    input_selector_valid;
    wire                    input_selector_ready;
    wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]   input_selector_data;

    wire input_valid_arbitrated;    // See control logic down below.

        .WORD_WIDTH         (WORD_WIDTH),
        .HANDSHAKE_MERGE    ("OR"),
        .DATA_MERGE         ("OR"),
        .IMPLEMENTATION     ("AND")
        .clock          (clock),
        .clear          (clear),

        .selector       (input_select_one_hot),

        .input_valid    ({input_valid_arbitrated, fifo_feedback_valid, module_feedback_valid}),
        .input_ready    ({input_ready,            fifo_feedback_ready, module_feedback_ready}),
        .input_data     ({input_data,             fifo_feedback_data,  module_feedback_data }),

        .output_valid   (input_selector_valid),
        .output_ready   (input_selector_ready),
        .output_data    (input_selector_data)

FIFO Buffer

The selected input then goes into a FIFO buffer which we initially loaded with input data. Then, during each iteration, the FIFO simultaneously empties that data into the attached module and refills itself with either the FIFO's output or the attached module's output, except for the last iteration, when the FIFO empties itself only.

    wire                    fifo_valid;
    wire                    fifo_ready;
    wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]   fifo_data;

        .WORD_WIDTH      (WORD_WIDTH),
        .DEPTH           (FIFO_DEPTH),
        .RAMSTYLE        (FIFO_RAMSTYLE),
        .CIRCULAR_BUFFER (0)
        .clock          (clock),
        .clear          (clear),

        .input_valid    (input_selector_valid),
        .input_ready    (input_selector_ready),
        .input_data     (input_selector_data),

        .output_valid   (fifo_valid),
        .output_ready   (fifo_ready),
        .output_data    (fifo_data)

We must gate the output of the FIFO to stop sending data to the module once data_count items have been sent. We then (elsewhere) wait for the module to have output data_count items before we let the next iteration start. We must do this else, if the module has an internal pipeline deeper than the number of items to process, we can end up repeating the data_count too many times while we wait for the module to complete its output.

    reg gate_fifo_output = 1'b0;

    wire                    fifo_valid_gated;
    wire                    fifo_ready_gated;
    wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]   fifo_data_gated;

        .WORD_WIDTH     (WORD_WIDTH),
        .GATE_DATA      (0)
        .enable         (gate_fifo_output == 1'b0),

        .input_valid    (fifo_valid),
        .input_ready    (fifo_ready),
        .input_data     (fifo_data),

        .output_valid   (fifo_valid_gated),
        .output_ready   (fifo_ready_gated),
        .output_data    (fifo_data_gated)

Forks and Sinks (Datapath Steering)

FIFO Output Fork

We fork the FIFO output to feed both the attached module and the FIFO input when feeding back. This blocking fork also controls when we allow data to proceed to the attached module (see sink below), and prevents the feedback loop from running ahead of the attached module.

    wire                    fifo_sink_valid;
    wire                    fifo_sink_ready;
    wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]   fifo_sink_data;

        .WORD_WIDTH     (WORD_WIDTH),
        .OUTPUT_COUNT   (2)
        .clock          (clock),
        .clear          (clear),

        .input_valid    (fifo_valid_gated),
        .input_ready    (fifo_ready_gated),
        .input_data     (fifo_data_gated),

        .output_valid   ({fifo_sink_valid, to_module_valid}),
        .output_ready   ({fifo_sink_ready, to_module_ready}),
        .output_data    ({fifo_sink_data,  to_module_data})

If we are not feeding back the FIFO output to the FIFO input, and we need to let data through to the attached module, then sink the feedback branch of the blocking fork so it cannot block the branch feeding the attached module.

Otherwise, during the initial load, do not sink the feedback branch: it will reach the input selector which is currently loading from input, which blocks the feedback path, and thus the blocking fork, and thus the output to the attached module, effectively gating the output of the FIFO.

    reg sink_fifo_feedback = 1'b0;

        .WORD_WIDTH     (WORD_WIDTH),

        .sink           (sink_fifo_feedback),

        .input_valid    (fifo_sink_valid),
        .input_ready    (fifo_sink_ready),
        .input_data     (fifo_sink_data),

        .output_valid   (fifo_feedback_valid),
        .output_ready   (fifo_feedback_ready),
        .output_data    (fifo_feedback_data)

Module Output Fork

Fork the module output to feed both the Iterator output and the module feedback path. The fork must be blocking so the count of transfers through both forks remains the same at any time. (This means needing only one counter, and simpler logic.)

    wire                    module_fork_valid;
    wire                    module_fork_ready;
    wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]   module_fork_data;

    wire                    output_fork_valid;
    wire                    output_fork_ready;
    wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]   output_fork_data;

        .WORD_WIDTH     (WORD_WIDTH),
        .OUTPUT_COUNT   (2)
        .clock          (clock),
        .clear          (clear),

        .input_valid    (from_module_valid),
        .input_ready    (from_module_ready),
        .input_data     (from_module_data),

        .output_valid   ({module_fork_valid, output_fork_valid}),
        .output_ready   ({module_fork_ready, output_fork_ready}),
        .output_data    ({module_fork_data,  output_fork_data})

Sink the module output feedback path when not feeding the module output back to the FIFO.

    reg sink_module_feedback = 1'b0;

        .WORD_WIDTH     (WORD_WIDTH),

        .sink           (sink_module_feedback),

        .input_valid    (module_fork_valid),
        .input_ready    (module_fork_ready),
        .input_data     (module_fork_data),

        .output_valid   (module_feedback_valid),
        .output_ready   (module_feedback_ready),
        .output_data    (module_feedback_data)

Sink the module output to the Iterator output when not in the final iteration, to both keep the Iterator output idle and prevent blocking the module feedback path (if used).

    reg sink_output = 1'b0;

        .WORD_WIDTH     (WORD_WIDTH),
        .sink           (sink_output),

        .input_valid    (output_fork_valid),
        .input_ready    (output_fork_ready),
        .input_data     (output_fork_data),

        .output_valid   (output_valid),
        .output_ready   (output_ready),
        .output_data    (output_data)

Control Logic

Feedback Type

We take feedback either from the FIFO output, or the module output.

    localparam FEEDBACK_FIFO    = 1'b0;
    localparam FEEDBACK_MODULE  = 1'b1;

    reg  feedback_type_store = 1'b0;
    wire feedback_type_gated;
    wire feedback_type_stored;

        .WORD_WIDTH     (1),
        .clock          (clock),
        .clock_enable   (feedback_type_store),
        .clear          (clear),
        .data_in        (feedback_type_gated),
        .data_out       (feedback_type_stored)

Iteration Count Storage

How many times to send the data_count set of words to the attached module. The initial FIFO load does not count as an iteration, and the last iteration has no feedback, so the FIFO can finish empty.

    localparam ITER_COUNT_ZERO = {ITER_COUNT_WIDTH{1'b0}};
    localparam ITER_COUNT_ONE  = {{ITER_COUNT_WIDTH-1{1'b0}},1'b1}; 
    localparam ITER_COUNT_TWO  = {{ITER_COUNT_WIDTH-2{1'b0}},2'b10}; 

    reg                         iteration_count_store = 1'b0;
    wire [ITER_COUNT_WIDTH-1:0] iteration_count_gated;
    wire [ITER_COUNT_WIDTH-1:0] iteration_count_stored;

        .clock          (clock),
        .clock_enable   (iteration_count_store),
        .clear          (clear),
        .data_in        (iteration_count_gated),
        .data_out       (iteration_count_stored)

Iteration Counter

To simplify the logic, let's short-circuit and load the counter directly from the control input, as well as load iteration_count_storage for later use.

    reg                         iteration_count_run             = 1'b0;
    reg                         iteration_count_load            = 1'b0;
    reg                         iteration_count_load_initial    = 1'b0;
    reg  [ITER_COUNT_WIDTH-1:0] iteration_count_load_value      = ITER_COUNT_ZERO;
    wire [ITER_COUNT_WIDTH-1:0] iteration_count_remaining;

    always @(*) begin
        iteration_count_load_value = (iteration_count_load_initial == 1'b1) ? iteration_count : iteration_count_stored;

        .clock          (clock),
        .clear          (clear),

        .up_down        (1'b1), // 0/1 --> up/down
        .run            (iteration_count_run),

        .load           (iteration_count_load),
        .load_count     (iteration_count_load_value),

        .carry_in       (1'b0),
        // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .carry_out      (),
        .carries        (),
        .overflow       (),
        // verilator lint_on  PINCONNECTEMPTY

        .count          (iteration_count_remaining)

Data Count Storage

How many data words to load in the FIFO, to send to the attached module at each iteration, and to receive from the attached module at each iteration.

    localparam DATA_COUNT_ZERO  = {DATA_COUNT_WIDTH{1'b0}};
    localparam DATA_COUNT_ONE   = {{DATA_COUNT_WIDTH-1{1'b0}},1'b1}; 

    reg                         data_count_store = 1'b0;
    wire [DATA_COUNT_WIDTH-1:0] data_count_gated;
    wire [DATA_COUNT_WIDTH-1:0] data_count_stored;

        .clock          (clock),
        .clock_enable   (data_count_store),
        .clear          (clear),
        .data_in        (data_count_gated),
        .data_out       (data_count_stored)

Data Counter

To simplify the logic, let's short-circuit and load the counter directly from the control input, as well as load data_count_storage for later use.

    reg                         data_count_run          = 1'b0;
    reg                         data_count_load         = 1'b0;
    reg                         data_count_load_initial = 1'b0;
    reg  [DATA_COUNT_WIDTH-1:0] data_count_load_value   = DATA_COUNT_ZERO;
    wire [DATA_COUNT_WIDTH-1:0] data_count_remaining;

    always @(*) begin
        data_count_load_value = (data_count_load_initial == 1'b1) ? data_count : data_count_stored;

        .clock          (clock),
        .clear          (clear),

        .up_down        (1'b1), // 0/1 --> up/down
        .run            (data_count_run),

        .load           (data_count_load),
        .load_count     (data_count_load_value),

        .carry_in       (1'b0),
        // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .carry_out      (),
        .carries        (),
        .overflow       (),
        // verilator lint_on  PINCONNECTEMPTY

        .count          (data_count_remaining)

Processed Data Counter

Let's have another, identical counter, but for the attached module output, to count the number of items which have gone through the module and any later pipeline buffering (so we don't have stale data in the datapath when we change state).

    reg                         data_count_processed_run          = 1'b0;
    reg                         data_count_processed_load         = 1'b0;
    wire [DATA_COUNT_WIDTH-1:0] data_count_processed_remaining;

        .clock          (clock),
        .clear          (clear),

        .up_down        (1'b1), // 0/1 --> up/down
        .run            (data_count_processed_run),

        .load           (data_count_processed_load),
        .load_count     (data_count_load_value),

        .carry_in       (1'b0),
        // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .carry_out      (),
        .carries        (),
        .overflow       (),
        // verilator lint_on  PINCONNECTEMPTY

        .count          (data_count_processed_remaining)


    localparam STATE_BITS   = 3;
    localparam EMPTY        = 3'd0; // Before first configuration.          Cannot load initial data.
    localparam IDLE         = 3'd1; // Waiting to load initial data.        Configuration can change.
    localparam LOAD         = 3'd2; // Loading initial data set into FIFO.  Configuration cannot change until IDLE again.
    localparam FIFO         = 3'd3; // Run the iterations with feedback from the FIFO output
    localparam MODULE       = 3'd4; // Run the iterations with feedback from the MODULE output
    localparam OUTPUT       = 3'd5; // Run the last iteration WITHOUT feedback, feeding the output

    wire [STATE_BITS-1:0] state;
    reg  [STATE_BITS-1:0] state_next = EMPTY;

        .WORD_WIDTH     (STATE_BITS),
        .RESET_VALUE    (EMPTY)
        .clock          (clock),
        .clock_enable   (1'b1),
        .clear          (clear),
        .data_in        (state_next),
        .data_out       (state)

Input and Control Arbitration

We have to disallow a simultaneous update of the control and the first input data load, otherwise we have to deal with very complicated corner cases, mostly around updating the counters.

So, when IDLE, if there is a simultaneous control and input handshake, let the control one finish first, then the input one, at which point we are in LOAD state, and no control handshake can happen.

We do all this by arbitrating the incoming valid signals, then the rest of the control logic doesn't have to consider the order of control and input handshakes. NOTE: this only works because a control handshake always only takes a single cycle to do its work.

But because of the arbiter, we have to then gate off control handshakes when not IDLE or EMPTY, else a pending control handshake (raising valid) in other states (like LOAD) will block the input handshakes forever, preventing the LOAD state from completing and hanging the Iterator.

    reg                         gate_control_handshake = 1'b0;
    wire                        control_valid_gated;
    reg                         control_ready_gated = 1'b0;


        .GATE_DATA      (0)
        .enable         (gate_control_handshake == 1'b0),

        .input_valid    (control_valid),
        .input_ready    (control_ready),
        .input_data     ({iteration_count, data_count, feedback_type}),

        .output_valid   (control_valid_gated),
        .output_ready   (control_ready_gated),
        .output_data    ({iteration_count_gated, data_count_gated, feedback_type_gated})

    wire control_valid_arbitrated;

        .INPUT_COUNT    (2)
        .clock          (clock),
        .clear          (clear),

        .requests       ({input_valid, control_valid_gated}),
        .requests_mask  (2'b11), // Set to all-ones if unused.
        // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .grant_previous (),
        // verilator lint_on  PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .grant          ({input_valid_arbitrated, control_valid_arbitrated})

    always @(*) begin
        control_ready_gated    = (state == EMPTY) || (state == IDLE);
        gate_control_handshake = (control_ready_gated == 1'b0);

Datapath Operations

These are the points in the pipeline we monitor to count the number of data items passing through.

    reg control_handshake_done          = 1'b0;
    reg input_handshake_done            = 1'b0;
    reg from_fifo_handshake_done        = 1'b0;
    reg module_feedback_handshake_done  = 1'b0;

    always @(*) begin
        control_handshake_done          = (control_valid_arbitrated == 1'b1) && (control_ready_gated    == 1'b1); // At control interface
        input_handshake_done            = (input_valid_arbitrated   == 1'b1) && (input_ready            == 1'b1); // At input selector external input: count initial FIFO load
        from_fifo_handshake_done        = (fifo_valid_gated         == 1'b1) && (fifo_ready_gated       == 1'b1); // At FIFO output, before fork: count words sent to module, and fed back to FIFO
        module_feedback_handshake_done  = (module_fork_valid        == 1'b1) && (module_fork_ready      == 1'b1); // At MODULE feedback fork: count words from module output, and fed back to FIFO, and to output on final iteration,

Datapath Transformations

These are events defined as happening in given states and depending on datapath states (counters, flags, etc...)

    reg config_zero                 = 1'b0; // Configuration being loaded contains a zero data count and/or a zero iteration count. **This halts the module.**

    reg load_config_zero            = 1'b0; // Loading a configuration with a zero data and/or iteration count, which disables data loads until a reconfiguration.
    reg load_config_first           = 1'b0; // Initial (no-zero) configuration. Cannot load data until configured.
    reg load_config                 = 1'b0; // Change (no-zero) configuration between runs. Has priority over a concurrent data load. 

    reg load_data_first             = 1'b0; // Load first word into FIFO, when there is more than one data item.
    reg load_data_output            = 1'b0; // Load only one word into FIFO, for one iteration, without feedback.
    reg load_data_fifo              = 1'b0; // Load only one word into FIFO, for multiple iterations, feeding back FIFO output to FIFO.
    reg load_data_module            = 1'b0; // Load only one word into FIFO, for multiple iterations, fedding back MODULE output to FIFO.

    reg load_data                   = 1'b0; // Load a word into the FIFO, while more words remain to be loaded.
    reg load_data_last_output       = 1'b0; // Load last word into FIFO, for one iteration, without feedback.
    reg load_data_last_fifo         = 1'b0; // Load last word into FIFO, for multiple iterations, feeding back FIFO output to FIFO.
    reg load_data_last_module       = 1'b0; // Load last word into FIFO, for multiple iterations, feeding back MODULE output to FIFO.

    reg run_fifo                    = 1'b0; // Send a word from the FIFO to the module, feed FIFO output back into FIFO
    reg run_fifo_processed          = 1'b0; // Word output by module, feed FIFO output back into FIFO.
    reg run_fifo_iter_processed     = 1'b0; // Receive last word of this iteration from the module, feed FIFO output back into FIFO, next iteration starts
    reg run_fifo_last_processed     = 1'b0; // Receive last word of this iteration from the module, feed FIFO output back into FIFO, last iteration starts

    reg run_module                  = 1'b0; // Send a word from the FIFO to the module, feed MODULE output back into FIFO
    reg run_module_processed        = 1'b0; // Receive a word from the module, feed MODULE output back into FIFO
    reg run_module_iter_processed   = 1'b0; // Receive last word of this iteration from the module, feed MODULE output back into FIFO, next iteration starts
    reg run_module_last_processed   = 1'b0; // Receive last word of this iteration from the module, feed MODULE output back into FIFO, last iteration starts

    reg run_output                  = 1'b0; // Receive a word from the module, WITHOUT feedback into FIFO, for the last iteration
    reg run_output_last             = 1'b0; // Receive the last word from the module, WITHOUT feedback into FIFO, for the last iteration

    always @(*) begin
        config_zero                 = (iteration_count_gated == ITER_COUNT_ZERO) || (data_count_gated == DATA_COUNT_ZERO);

        load_config_zero            = ((state == EMPTY) || (state == IDLE)) && (control_handshake_done == 1'b1) && (config_zero == 1'b1);
        load_config_first           =  (state == EMPTY)                     && (control_handshake_done == 1'b1) && (config_zero == 1'b0);
        load_config                 =  (state == IDLE)                      && (control_handshake_done == 1'b1) && (config_zero == 1'b0);

        load_data_first             = (state == IDLE) && (input_handshake_done == 1'b1) && (data_count_remaining != DATA_COUNT_ONE);
        load_data_output            = (state == IDLE) && (input_handshake_done == 1'b1) && (data_count_remaining == DATA_COUNT_ONE) && (iteration_count_remaining == ITER_COUNT_ONE);
        load_data_fifo              = (state == IDLE) && (input_handshake_done == 1'b1) && (data_count_remaining == DATA_COUNT_ONE) && (iteration_count_remaining != ITER_COUNT_ONE) && (feedback_type_stored == FEEDBACK_FIFO);
        load_data_module            = (state == IDLE) && (input_handshake_done == 1'b1) && (data_count_remaining == DATA_COUNT_ONE) && (iteration_count_remaining != ITER_COUNT_ONE) && (feedback_type_stored == FEEDBACK_MODULE);

        load_data                   = (state == LOAD) && (input_handshake_done == 1'b1) && (data_count_remaining != DATA_COUNT_ONE);
        load_data_last_output       = (state == LOAD) && (input_handshake_done == 1'b1) && (data_count_remaining == DATA_COUNT_ONE) && (iteration_count_remaining == ITER_COUNT_ONE);
        load_data_last_fifo         = (state == LOAD) && (input_handshake_done == 1'b1) && (data_count_remaining == DATA_COUNT_ONE) && (iteration_count_remaining != ITER_COUNT_ONE) && (feedback_type_stored == FEEDBACK_FIFO);
        load_data_last_module       = (state == LOAD) && (input_handshake_done == 1'b1) && (data_count_remaining == DATA_COUNT_ONE) && (iteration_count_remaining != ITER_COUNT_ONE) && (feedback_type_stored == FEEDBACK_MODULE);

        run_fifo                    = (state == FIFO) && (from_fifo_handshake_done == 1'b1) && (data_count_remaining != DATA_COUNT_ZERO);
        run_fifo_processed          = (state == FIFO) && (module_feedback_handshake_done == 1'b1) && (data_count_processed_remaining != DATA_COUNT_ONE);
        run_fifo_iter_processed     = (state == FIFO) && (module_feedback_handshake_done == 1'b1) && (data_count_processed_remaining == DATA_COUNT_ONE) && (iteration_count_remaining != ITER_COUNT_TWO);
        run_fifo_last_processed     = (state == FIFO) && (module_feedback_handshake_done == 1'b1) && (data_count_processed_remaining == DATA_COUNT_ONE) && (iteration_count_remaining == ITER_COUNT_TWO);

        run_module                  = (state == MODULE) && (from_fifo_handshake_done == 1'b1) && (data_count_remaining != DATA_COUNT_ZERO);
        run_module_processed        = (state == MODULE) && (module_feedback_handshake_done == 1'b1) && (data_count_processed_remaining != DATA_COUNT_ONE);
        run_module_iter_processed   = (state == MODULE) && (module_feedback_handshake_done == 1'b1) && (data_count_processed_remaining == DATA_COUNT_ONE) && (iteration_count_remaining != ITER_COUNT_TWO);
        run_module_last_processed   = (state == MODULE) && (module_feedback_handshake_done == 1'b1) && (data_count_processed_remaining == DATA_COUNT_ONE) && (iteration_count_remaining == ITER_COUNT_TWO);

        // Always on the last iteration (ITER_COUNT_ONE)
        run_output                  = (state == OUTPUT) && (module_feedback_handshake_done == 1'b1) && (data_count_processed_remaining != DATA_COUNT_ONE);
        run_output_last             = (state == OUTPUT) && (module_feedback_handshake_done == 1'b1) && (data_count_processed_remaining == DATA_COUNT_ONE);

State Transitions

Based on the datapath transformations, move from state to state. Each line represents an edge between states.

    always @(*) begin
        state_next = (load_config_zero          == 1'b1) ? EMPTY    : state;
        state_next = (load_config_first         == 1'b1) ? IDLE     : state_next;
        state_next = (load_config               == 1'b1) ? IDLE     : state_next;

        state_next = (load_data_first           == 1'b1) ? LOAD     : state_next; // Priority: control, then data, by external arbiter
        state_next = (load_data_output          == 1'b1) ? OUTPUT   : state_next;
        state_next = (load_data_fifo            == 1'b1) ? FIFO     : state_next;
        state_next = (load_data_module          == 1'b1) ? MODULE   : state_next;

        state_next = (load_data                 == 1'b1) ? LOAD     : state_next;
        state_next = (load_data_last_output     == 1'b1) ? OUTPUT   : state_next;
        state_next = (load_data_last_fifo       == 1'b1) ? FIFO     : state_next;
        state_next = (load_data_last_module     == 1'b1) ? MODULE   : state_next;

        state_next = (run_fifo_processed        == 1'b1) ? FIFO     : state_next;
        state_next = (run_fifo_iter_processed   == 1'b1) ? FIFO     : state_next;
        state_next = (run_fifo_last_processed   == 1'b1) ? OUTPUT   : state_next;

        state_next = (run_module_processed      == 1'b1) ? MODULE   : state_next;
        state_next = (run_module_iter_processed == 1'b1) ? MODULE   : state_next;
        state_next = (run_module_last_processed == 1'b1) ? OUTPUT   : state_next;

        state_next = (run_output                == 1'b1) ? OUTPUT   : state_next;
        state_next = (run_output_last           == 1'b1) ? IDLE     : state_next;

Input Selection

Depending on state, select what to feed the FIFO input.

    always @(*) begin
        input_select_one_hot = INPUT_SELECT_NONE; // EMPTY
        input_select_one_hot = (state == IDLE)   ? INPUT_SELECT_INPUT  : input_select_one_hot;
        input_select_one_hot = (state == LOAD)   ? INPUT_SELECT_INPUT  : input_select_one_hot;
        input_select_one_hot = (state == FIFO)   ? INPUT_SELECT_FIFO   : input_select_one_hot;
        input_select_one_hot = (state == MODULE) ? INPUT_SELECT_MODULE : input_select_one_hot;
        input_select_one_hot = (state == OUTPUT) ? INPUT_SELECT_NONE   : input_select_one_hot;

Register Storage Control

The control handshake is managed by arbitration logic further up.

    always @(*) begin
        feedback_type_store   = (control_handshake_done == 1'b1);
        iteration_count_store = (control_handshake_done == 1'b1); 
        data_count_store      = (control_handshake_done == 1'b1);

Counter Control and Datapath Steering

We break convention here for the sake of clarity and simply OR the signals together since we know they are all active-high and single bit.

Decrement the counter by one, or load back the initial value from the storage registers.

    always @(*) begin
        data_count_run          = load_data_first  | load_data | run_fifo | run_module;
        data_count_load         = load_config_zero | load_config_first | load_config | load_data_last_output | load_data_last_fifo | load_data_last_module | run_fifo_iter_processed | run_fifo_last_processed | run_module_iter_processed | run_module_last_processed;
        data_count_load_initial = load_config_zero | load_config_first | load_config;

    always @(*) begin
        data_count_processed_run  = run_fifo_processed | run_module_processed | run_output;
        data_count_processed_load = load_config_zero   | load_config_first    | load_config | run_fifo_iter_processed | run_fifo_last_processed | run_module_iter_processed | run_module_last_processed;

    always @(*) begin
        iteration_count_run          = run_fifo_iter_processed | run_fifo_last_processed | run_module_iter_processed | run_module_last_processed;
        iteration_count_load         = load_config_zero | load_config_first | load_config | run_output_last;
        iteration_count_load_initial = load_config_zero | load_config_first | load_config;

Sink and gate paths on the pipeline to create the feedback we need, and to prevent loading data into later pipeline stages which would then buffer stale data which would be still present after shifting states, and corrupt later operations.

NOTE: There's an implicit gating behaviour created here: we can chose to NOT sink a branch of a blocking fork in some cases, knowing that branch leads to an input of the input_selector which is not selected at that time, which will block that branch, and by extension, block the other branch of the blocking fork, creating a pipeline gate.

    always @(*) begin
        sink_fifo_feedback   = (state == MODULE) || (state == OUTPUT);      // Sink when feeding back module output or during final iteration.
        sink_module_feedback = (state != MODULE);                           // Sink when not feeding back module output.
        sink_output          = (state != OUTPUT);                           // Sink Iterator output when not in final iteration.
        gate_fifo_output     = (data_count_remaining == DATA_COUNT_ZERO);   // Gate the FIFO output once all data sent to module for the current iteration.


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