Implements a memory with multiple, concurrent read and write ports with optionally pipelined reads and multiple write conflict handling strategies. Storage is implemented using logic elements and registers.
This kind of multi-ported memory is not expected to map to underlying RAM blocks, but it can support arbitrary numbers of read and write ports by using random logic and registers, and can be bulk-cleared in a single cycle. It will not scale well to large depths or widths, but it is suitable for small, highly-concurrent memories such as semaphores, small CPU register files, or storage for parallel functional units, and is the building block of more efficient, larger multi-ported memories.
Concurrent reads and a single, non-conflicting write to the same address always returns the currently stored data, not the data being written, which becomes readable in the next cycle.
The result of concurrent writes to the same address is defined by the
parameter, which specifies how to combine or filter
conflicting writes. If a write port conflicts with another, its
bit is raised for one cycle in the cycle after the write.
signal raised for one
cycle after the write.write_conflict
signal raised for one cycle after the write.write_conflict
signal raised for one cycle after the write.write_conflict
signal raised for one cycle after the write.The RAMSTYLE
parameter is still provided for cases where the CAD tool
might be able to map to RAM blocks, such as when WRITE_PORT_COUNT
is 1.
However, write-forwarding is not supported, unlike the Simple Dual Port
RAM, for example.
Expect warnings from the linter and your CAD tools if DEPTH
is less than
. It is allowable: out-of-bounds reads and writes
will respectively return zero and have no effect on the stored data.
Out-of-bounds writes cannot cause write conflicts.
parameter defines how many pipeline stages are
placed between the storage and the read port multiplexer, for eventual
retiming. A read pipeline improves clock speed at the expense of read
latency. Note that a written value is still readable on the next cycle
after the write, but it will then take READ_PIPELINE_DEPTH
extra cycles
for that read to complete. Reads may be pipelined one after another, and
you must externally keep track of the constant latency between raising
and reading out the corresponding data.
Since we cannot have variable numbers of ports on a Verilog module, the read and write data, address, and enable ports are vectors which concatenate all the read/write ports in numerical order. Each individual read/write port behaves like every other read/write port. There is no distinction, except perhaps in write conflict resolution.
`default_nettype none module RAM_Multiported_LE #( parameter WORD_WIDTH = 0, parameter READ_PORT_COUNT = 0, parameter WRITE_PORT_COUNT = 0, parameter ADDR_WIDTH = 0, parameter DEPTH = 0, parameter USE_INIT_FILE = 0, parameter INIT_FILE = "", parameter [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] INIT_VALUE = 0, // The usage in attributes is not seen by the linter. // verilator lint_off UNUSED parameter RAMSTYLE = "", // verilator lint_on UNUSED parameter ON_WRITE_CONFLICT = "", parameter READ_PIPELINE_DEPTH = 0, // Do not set at instantiation, except in IPI parameter TOTAL_READ_DATA = WORD_WIDTH * READ_PORT_COUNT, parameter TOTAL_WRITE_DATA = WORD_WIDTH * WRITE_PORT_COUNT, parameter TOTAL_READ_ADDR = ADDR_WIDTH * READ_PORT_COUNT, parameter TOTAL_WRITE_ADDR = ADDR_WIDTH * WRITE_PORT_COUNT ) ( input wire clock, input wire clear, input wire [TOTAL_WRITE_DATA-1:0] write_data, input wire [TOTAL_WRITE_ADDR-1:0] write_address, input wire [WRITE_PORT_COUNT-1:0] write_enable, output wire [WRITE_PORT_COUNT-1:0] write_conflict, output wire [TOTAL_READ_DATA-1:0] read_data, input wire [TOTAL_READ_ADDR-1:0] read_address, input wire [READ_PORT_COUNT-1:0] read_enable ); localparam ADDR_ZERO = {ADDR_WIDTH{1'b0}}; localparam WRITE_ADDR_HIT_ZERO = {WRITE_PORT_COUNT{1'b0}}; localparam WRITE_ROUNDROBIN_NOMASK = {WRITE_PORT_COUNT{1'b1}}; localparam WRITE_ADDR_HIT_ONE = {{WRITE_PORT_COUNT-1{1'b0}},1'b1}; localparam TOTAL_STORED_DATA = WORD_WIDTH * DEPTH; // This is a very wide value, which worries CAD tools and linters. // verilator lint_off WIDTHCONCAT localparam TOTAL_STORED_ZERO = {TOTAL_STORED_DATA{1'b0}}; // verilator lint_off WIDTHCONCAT localparam WRITE_CONFLICT_WIDTH = WRITE_PORT_COUNT * DEPTH; localparam WRITE_CONFLICT_ZERO = {WRITE_CONFLICT_WIDTH{1'b0}};
CAD tools expect a memory description like this, an arrays of registers, to
infer RAM and to enable initializing from a file. The CAD tool will try
to map the memory to the specified RAMSTYLE
, but unless your device has
unusual RAM blocks, this will map to general logic registers.
(* ramstyle = RAMSTYLE *) // Quartus (* ram_style = RAMSTYLE *) // Vivado reg [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] ram [DEPTH-1:0];
For each ram
array location, decode the write_address
from each write
port, masked by each write port's write_enable
bit. If an address
matches, then store the write data from that write port into that ram
array location. Conflicting writes are handled as specified by the
If no write address matches the ram
location, then no write is enabled to
that ram
location. Thus, if the write address exceeds the DEPTH
of the
, nothing happens. You will have to detect this situation externally
by comparing write_address
with DEPTH
using an Arithmetic
Predicates module.
generate genvar i, j; reg [TOTAL_STORED_DATA-1:0] stored_data = TOTAL_STORED_ZERO; reg [WRITE_CONFLICT_WIDTH-1:0] write_conflict_all = WRITE_CONFLICT_ZERO; for (i=0; i < DEPTH; i=i+1) begin: per_ram_unit
First, we decode the address from each write port to each ram unit.
wire [WRITE_PORT_COUNT-1:0] write_addr_hit; for (j=0; j < WRITE_PORT_COUNT; j=j+1) begin: per_write_port Address_Decoder_Behavioural #( .ADDR_WIDTH (ADDR_WIDTH) ) write_address_decoder ( .base_addr (i [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]), // Must trim ram unit address to width to avoid linter warnings. .bound_addr (i [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]), .addr (write_address [ADDR_WIDTH*j +: ADDR_WIDTH]), .hit (write_addr_hit [j]) ); end
We then mask-off not-enabled write ports: they cannot cause conflicts,
regardless of their write_address
reg [WRITE_PORT_COUNT-1:0] write_addr_hit_enabled = WRITE_ADDR_HIT_ZERO; always @(*) begin write_addr_hit_enabled = write_addr_hit & write_enable; end
Then detect write conflicts by counting the number of writes to this ram unit. There's only two cases, so rather than doing an arithmetic comparison, we can simply enumerate them as equality checks: when not only one port is writing to this ram unit, and when that number is non-zero.
wire [WRITE_PORT_COUNT-1:0] write_addr_hit_count; Population_Count #( .WORD_WIDTH (WRITE_PORT_COUNT) ) detect_multiple_writes ( .word_in (write_addr_hit_enabled), .count_out (write_addr_hit_count) ); reg write_conflict_raw = 1'b0; always @(*) begin write_conflict_raw = (write_addr_hit_count != WRITE_ADDR_HIT_ONE) && (write_addr_hit_count != WRITE_ADDR_HIT_ZERO); end
Copy the vector of write address hits for later calculation of all write conflicts. If there is no conflict, then mask off this ram location's write address hits from the conflict calculations.
wire [WRITE_PORT_COUNT-1:0] write_conflict_ports; Annuller #( .WORD_WIDTH (WRITE_PORT_COUNT), .IMPLEMENTATION ("AND") ) write_conflicts_masker ( .annul (write_conflict_raw == 1'b0), .data_in (write_addr_hit_enabled), .data_out (write_conflict_ports) );
Here are the various write conflict handling strategies. For each, we decide if the ram location is enabled for write, and which data to write to it. We may also update the list of conflicting writes if a conflict resolves down to one write winning.
reg write_enable_ram = 1'b0; wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] write_data_selected; reg [WRITE_PORT_COUNT-1:0] write_conflict_ports_masked = WRITE_ADDR_HIT_ZERO;
Mask off the write address conflict of the winning port if there is a conflict, and select its data to write. The winning port is the lowest numbered port of the conflicting ports, as calculated by a priority bitmask.
// verilator lint_off WIDTH if (ON_WRITE_CONFLICT == "PRIORITY") begin // verilator lint_on WIDTH wire [WRITE_PORT_COUNT-1:0] write_addr_hit_masked_priority; Bitmask_Isolate_Rightmost_1_Bit #( .WORD_WIDTH (WRITE_PORT_COUNT) ) write_data_priority ( .word_in (write_addr_hit_enabled), .word_out (write_addr_hit_masked_priority) ); always @(*) begin write_conflict_ports_masked = write_conflict_ports & ~write_addr_hit_masked_priority; write_enable_ram = write_addr_hit_enabled != WRITE_ADDR_HIT_ZERO; end Multiplexer_One_Hot #( .WORD_WIDTH (WORD_WIDTH), .WORD_COUNT (WRITE_PORT_COUNT), .OPERATION ("OR"), .IMPLEMENTATION ("AND") ) write_data_mux_priority ( .selectors (write_addr_hit_masked_priority), .words_in (write_data), .word_out (write_data_selected) );
Mask off the write address conflict of the winning port if there is a conflict, and select its data to write. The winning port is the lowest numbered port of the conflicting ports which is waiting for a write, as calculated by a Round-Robin Arbiter.
// verilator lint_off WIDTH end else if (ON_WRITE_CONFLICT == "ROUNDROBIN") begin // verilator lint_on WIDTH wire [WRITE_PORT_COUNT-1:0] write_addr_hit_masked_roundrobin; Arbiter_Round_Robin #( .INPUT_COUNT (WRITE_PORT_COUNT) ) write_data_round_robin ( .clock (clock), .clear (clear), .requests (write_addr_hit_enabled), .requests_mask (WRITE_ROUNDROBIN_NOMASK), // Set to all-ones if unused. // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY .grant_previous (), // verilator lint_on PINCONNECTEMPTY .grant (write_addr_hit_masked_roundrobin) ); always @(*) begin write_conflict_ports_masked = write_conflict_ports & ~write_addr_hit_masked_roundrobin; write_enable_ram = write_addr_hit_enabled != WRITE_ADDR_HIT_ZERO; end Multiplexer_One_Hot #( .WORD_WIDTH (WORD_WIDTH), .WORD_COUNT (WRITE_PORT_COUNT), .OPERATION ("OR"), .IMPLEMENTATION ("AND") ) write_data_mux_roundrobin ( .selectors (write_addr_hit_masked_roundrobin), .words_in (write_data), .word_out (write_data_selected) );
If there is a conflict, all conflicting writes are disabled. Their data is lost. Otherwise, the data from the single, non-conflicting write to this ram unit, is selected and written.
// verilator lint_off WIDTH end else if (ON_WRITE_CONFLICT == "DISCARD") begin // verilator lint_on WIDTH always @(*) begin write_conflict_ports_masked = write_conflict_ports; write_enable_ram = write_addr_hit_count == WRITE_ADDR_HIT_ONE; end Multiplexer_One_Hot #( .WORD_WIDTH (WORD_WIDTH), .WORD_COUNT (WRITE_PORT_COUNT), .OPERATION ("OR"), // Data never used under conflict. Could be any operation. .IMPLEMENTATION ("AND") ) write_data_mux_discard ( .selectors (write_addr_hit_enabled), .words_in (write_data), .word_out (write_data_selected) );
Otherwise, by default, the data from conflicting writes, if any, is reduced to a single word via the specified Boolean reduction operator.
end else begin always @(*) begin write_conflict_ports_masked = write_conflict_ports; write_enable_ram = write_addr_hit_enabled != WRITE_ADDR_HIT_ZERO; end Multiplexer_One_Hot #( .WORD_WIDTH (WORD_WIDTH), .WORD_COUNT (WRITE_PORT_COUNT), .OPERATION (ON_WRITE_CONFLICT), .IMPLEMENTATION ("AND") ) write_data_mux_boolean ( .selectors (write_addr_hit_enabled), .words_in (write_data), .word_out (write_data_selected) ); end
Finally, add the address hits to the global list of all write conflicts (one bit per write port, repeated for each ram location).
always @(*) begin write_conflict_all [WRITE_PORT_COUNT*i +: WRITE_PORT_COUNT] = write_conflict_ports_masked; end
Rather than use a Register module for each ram
location, we copy the register logic directly here, since we
must use a reg array to enable initializing ram
from a file later on.
This code uses the "Last Assignment Wins" reset
always @(posedge clock) begin if (write_enable_ram == 1'b1) begin ram [i] <= write_data_selected; end if (clear == 1'b1) begin ram [i] <= INIT_VALUE; end end
Here, we flatten the outputs of the ram
reg array into a single vector so
each read port can later select the desired data word. This isn't strictly
necessary, but a single multiplexer is more modular than nested loops
iterating over each memory location for each read port.
always @(*) begin stored_data [WORD_WIDTH*i +: WORD_WIDTH] = ram [i]; end end endgenerate
Here, we reduce and store all the possible write conflicts from each write port at each ram unit into a single bit for each write port which indicates if the last write conflicted with another.
wire [WRITE_PORT_COUNT-1:0] write_conflict_merged; Word_Reducer #( .OPERATION ("OR"), .WORD_WIDTH (WRITE_PORT_COUNT), .WORD_COUNT (DEPTH) ) write_conflict_merge ( .words_in (write_conflict_all), .word_out (write_conflict_merged) ); Register #( .WORD_WIDTH (WRITE_PORT_COUNT), .RESET_VALUE (WRITE_ADDR_HIT_ZERO) ) write_conflict_storage ( .clock (clock), .clock_enable (1'b1), .clear (clear), .data_in (write_conflict_merged), .data_out (write_conflict) );
For each read port, we use the read_address
to select the desired data
word, and register it as output if read_enable
is set that cycle. If the
is greater than the ram
, then read_data
zero (and such an out-of-bounds access could also be detected here by
comparing the address to DEPTH
generate genvar k; for (k=0; k < READ_PORT_COUNT; k=k+1) begin: per_read_port wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] read_port_address_captured; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] read_port_address_pipelined; wire [TOTAL_STORED_DATA-1:0] stored_data_captured; wire [TOTAL_STORED_DATA-1:0] stored_data_pipelined; if (READ_PIPELINE_DEPTH == 0) begin assign read_port_address_captured = read_address [ADDR_WIDTH*k +: ADDR_WIDTH]; assign read_port_address_pipelined = read_port_address_captured; assign stored_data_captured = (read_enable [k] == 1'b1) ? stored_data : TOTAL_STORED_ZERO; assign stored_data_pipelined = stored_data_captured; end
If there is at least one state of read pipelining, then the first stage registers a copy of all the stored data, and that read port's address, if that read port is enabled.
if (READ_PIPELINE_DEPTH >= 1) begin Register #( .WORD_WIDTH (ADDR_WIDTH), .RESET_VALUE (ADDR_ZERO) ) capture_read_address ( .clock (clock), .clock_enable (read_enable [k]), .clear (clear), .data_in (read_address [ADDR_WIDTH*k +: ADDR_WIDTH]), .data_out (read_port_address_captured) ); Register #( .WORD_WIDTH (TOTAL_STORED_DATA), .RESET_VALUE (TOTAL_STORED_ZERO) ) capture_stored_data ( .clock (clock), .clock_enable (read_enable [k]), .clear (clear), .data_in (stored_data), .data_out (stored_data_captured) ); end
If there is exactly one read pipeline stage, then we are done. Copy the registered read data and address along to the final multiplexer.
if (READ_PIPELINE_DEPTH == 1) begin assign read_port_address_pipelined = read_port_address_captured; assign stored_data_pipelined = stored_data_captured; end
If there is more than one read pipeline stage, then add them here, after the first, enabled stage. These stages have no control signals to make their retiming into the multiplexer easy, so data always moves here.
if (READ_PIPELINE_DEPTH > 1) begin Register_Pipeline_Simple #( .WORD_WIDTH (ADDR_WIDTH), .PIPE_DEPTH (READ_PIPELINE_DEPTH-1) ) pipeline_read_address ( .clock (clock), .clock_enable (1'b1), .clear (1'b0), .pipe_in (read_port_address_captured), .pipe_out (read_port_address_pipelined) ); Register_Pipeline_Simple #( .WORD_WIDTH (TOTAL_STORED_DATA), .PIPE_DEPTH (READ_PIPELINE_DEPTH-1) ) pipeline_stored_data ( .clock (clock), .clock_enable (1'b1), .clear (1'b0), .pipe_in (stored_data_captured), .pipe_out (stored_data_pipelined) ); end
Finally, select the read data word specified by the read address of this read port.
Multiplexer_Binary_Structural #( .WORD_WIDTH (WORD_WIDTH), .ADDR_WIDTH (ADDR_WIDTH), .INPUT_COUNT (DEPTH), .OPERATION ("OR"), .IMPLEMENTATION ("AND") ) read_data_selector ( .selector (read_port_address_pipelined), .words_in (stored_data_pipelined), .word_out (read_data [WORD_WIDTH*k +: WORD_WIDTH]) ); end endgenerate
If you are not using an init file, the following code will set all memory locations to INIT_VALUE. The CAD tool should generate a memory initialization file from that. This is useful to cleanly zero-out memory without having to deal with an init file. Your CAD tool may complain about too many for-loop iterations if your memory is very deep. Adjust the tool settings to allow more loop iterations.
At a minimum, the initialization file format is one value per line, one for each memory word from 0 to DEPTH-1, in bare hexadecimal (e.g.: 0012 to init a 16-bit memory word with 16'h12). Note that if your WORD_WIDTH isn't a multiple of 4, the CAD tool may complain about the width mismatch. You can base yourself on this Python memory initialization file generator.
generate if (USE_INIT_FILE == 0) begin integer l; initial begin for (l=0; l < DEPTH; l=l+1) begin: per_ram_word ram[l] = INIT_VALUE; end end end else begin initial begin $readmemh(INIT_FILE, ram); end end endgenerate endmodule