


CDC Word Synchronizer

Synchronizes the transfer of a word of data from one clock domain to another, regardless of relative clock frequencies. Uses ready/valid handshakes at the sending and receiving ends, but these can be short-circuited for continuous transfers without backpressure: ignore sending_ready and tie receiving_ready high. Add EXTRA_CDC_DEPTH if you are running near the limits of your silicon (consult your vendor datasheets regarding metastability).

The code is laid out in transfer order: we start at the sending handshake, convert a signal for new valid data into a level, which passes through CDC into the receiving clock domain and completes the receiving handshake. Once the receiving handshake completes, we convert that event into a level, which passes through CDC back into the sending clock domain to start a new sending handshake if there is more data to send.

This module is closely related to the 2-phase Pulse Synchronizer.

Operating Notes

Latency and Throughput

The absolute latency from sending to receiving handshake depends on the relative sending and receiving clock frequencies, but we can count the cycles, in order:

**\*Corner Case:** The situations where the CDC transfers take 1 cycle in either direction are mutually exclusive. The timing of the sending/receiving clock edges that makes a CDC crossing in one direction take one cycle, is naturally reversed when crossing in the other direction, and so cannot happen, and takes the more common 2 to 3 cycles. See the "Latency" section in [A Primer on Clock Domain Crossing (CDC) Theory](./cdc.html) for details. **Unless you know your clocks are plesiochronous, it is safer and simpler to ignore this corner case and assume 2 to 3 cycles per CDC.** However, we still account for this case in the latency ranges that follow.

Thus, given roughly equal sending and receiving clock rates, a complete transfer takes between 5 and 8 sending clock cycles. If the receiving clock rate is effectively "infinite", allowing for the whole receiving side to finish within a single sending clock cycle, a complete transfer takes 2 to 4 sending cycles. If the sending clock rate is similarly effectively "infinite" relative to the receiving clock rate, a transfer takes 2 to 4 receiving clock cycles.

Thus, we can calculate the time for a single transfer as 2 to 4 times the sending clock period plus 2 to 4 times the receiving clock period. The inverse of that is, of course, the number of transfers per unit time.

Parameters, Ports, and Constants

`default_nettype none

module CDC_Word_Synchronizer
    parameter WORD_WIDTH                = 0,
    parameter EXTRA_CDC_DEPTH           = 0,
    parameter OUTPUT_BUFFER_TYPE        = "", // "HALF", "SKID", "FIFO"
    parameter OUTPUT_BUFFER_CIRCULAR    = 0,  // non-zero to enable
    parameter FIFO_BUFFER_DEPTH         = 0,  // Only for "FIFO"
    parameter FIFO_BUFFER_RAMSTYLE      = ""  // Only for "FIFO"
    input   wire                        sending_clock,
    input   wire                        sending_clear,
    input   wire    [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    sending_data,
    input   wire                        sending_valid,
    output  wire                        sending_ready,

    input   wire                        receiving_clock,
    input   wire                        receiving_clear,
    output  wire    [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    receiving_data, 
    output  wire                        receiving_valid,
    input   wire                        receiving_ready

    localparam WORD_ZERO = {WORD_WIDTH{1'b0}};

From the Sending Handshake

First, handle the sending handshake. Signal when it completes and we have a data word to latch, then wait until we can accept the next word.

    wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]   sending_handshake_data;
    wire                    sending_handshake_complete;
    wire                    accept_next_word;

        .WORD_WIDTH             (WORD_WIDTH)
        .clock                  (sending_clock),
        .clear                  (sending_clear),

        // Pipeline input
        .valid_in               (sending_valid),
        .ready_in               (sending_ready),
        .data_in                (sending_data),

        // Pulse interface to connected module input
        .module_data_in         (sending_handshake_data),
        .module_data_in_valid   (sending_handshake_complete),

        // Signal that the module can accept the next input
        .module_ready           (accept_next_word)

Then latch the data when the sending handshake completes.

    wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]   sending_handshake_data_latched;

        .WORD_WIDTH     (WORD_WIDTH),
        .clock          (sending_clock),
        .clock_enable   (sending_handshake_complete),
        .clear          (sending_clear),
        .data_in        (sending_handshake_data),
        .data_out       (sending_handshake_data_latched)

Convert the completion of the sending handshake into a level toggle, which initiates a 2-phase asynchronous handshake. This level does not toggle again until the completion of the next sending handshake, which since it can only happen after the receiving handshake completes, guarantees the level stays constant long enough to pass through CDC, regardless of relative clock frequency.

    wire sending_handshake_toggle;

        .WORD_WIDTH     (1),
        .RESET_VALUE    (1'b0)
        .clock          (sending_clock),
        .clock_enable   (1'b1),
        .clear          (sending_clear),
        .toggle         (sending_handshake_complete),
        .data_in        (sending_handshake_toggle),
        .data_out       (sending_handshake_toggle)

Then we synchronize the start of the 2-phase asynchronous handshake into the receiving clock domain.

    wire sending_handshake_synced;

        .EXTRA_DEPTH        (EXTRA_CDC_DEPTH)  // Must be 0 or greater
        .receiving_clock    (receiving_clock),
        .bit_in             (sending_handshake_toggle),
        .bit_out            (sending_handshake_synced)

To the Receiving Handshake

Once in the receiving clock domain, we convert any toggle in level into a pulse, which signals new data is available.

    wire sending_handshake_data_latched_valid;

        .clock              (receiving_clock),
        .level_in           (sending_handshake_synced),
        // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .pulse_posedge_out  (),
        .pulse_negedge_out  (),
        // verilator lint_on  PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .pulse_anyedge_out  (sending_handshake_data_latched_valid)

Then we handle the receiving handshake, which is buffered in one of multiple ways (see Operating Notes) for different applications.

    wire receiving_handshake_complete;

        .WORD_WIDTH             (WORD_WIDTH),
        .OUTPUT_BUFFER_CIRCULAR (OUTPUT_BUFFER_CIRCULAR),   // non-zero to enable
        .FIFO_BUFFER_DEPTH      (FIFO_BUFFER_DEPTH),        // Only for "FIFO"
        .clock                  (receiving_clock),
        .clear                  (receiving_clear),

        // Pipeline output
        .valid_out              (receiving_valid),
        .ready_out              (receiving_ready),
        .data_out               (receiving_data),

        // Pulse interface from connected module
        .module_data_out        (sending_handshake_data_latched),
        .module_data_out_valid  (sending_handshake_data_latched_valid),

        // Signal that the module can accept the next input
        .module_ready           (receiving_handshake_complete)

We then convert the completion of the receiving handshake into a level toggle back into the sending clock domain to complete the 2-phase handshake. This level does not toggle again until the completion of the next receiving handshake, which since it can only happen after the next sending handshake completes, guarantees the level stays constant long enough to pass through CDC.

    wire receiving_handshake_toggle;

        .WORD_WIDTH     (1),
        .RESET_VALUE    (1'b0)
        .clock          (receiving_clock),
        .clock_enable   (1'b1),
        .clear          (receiving_clear),
        .toggle         (receiving_handshake_complete),
        .data_in        (receiving_handshake_toggle),
        .data_out       (receiving_handshake_toggle)

Then we synchronize the end of the 2-phase handshake into the sending clock domain.

    wire receiving_handshake_synced;

        .EXTRA_DEPTH        (EXTRA_CDC_DEPTH)  // Must be 0 or greater
        .receiving_clock    (sending_clock),
        .bit_in             (receiving_handshake_toggle),
        .bit_out            (receiving_handshake_synced)

And Back to the Sending Handshake

Finally, convert the synchronized receiving handshake completion into a pulse to start or complete the next sending handshake.

        .clock              (sending_clock),
        .level_in           (receiving_handshake_synced),
        // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .pulse_posedge_out  (),
        .pulse_negedge_out  (),
        // verilator lint_on  PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .pulse_anyedge_out  (accept_next_word)


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