


Debouncer (Low Latency)

A digital debouncer for mechanical inputs (e.g.: mechanical and optical switches) which can run on the system clock, introduces only 4 or 5 clock cycles of latency, and whose rising and falling debouncing delays can be altered dynamically (i.e.: if the clock frequency changes, or the mechanical input changes).


A Warning About External Noise

This debouncer depends on the assumption that any change on the input is caused solely by the connected mechanism. It will NOT reliably filter out random spikes and glitches from other sources such as EMI (ElectroMagnetic Interference). If a glitch gets captured by the debouncer, it will be interpreted as a switch event (rising or falling).

On the other hand, this debouncer is very tolerant of slow signal edges and does not require digital-like quick input transitions. This debouncer only requires that the input eventually reaches and stays at a valid high or low logic level. Thus, you can liberally use analog filtering at the input if your electrical environment is noisy.

Theory of Operation

In the absence of external noise, a switch in a steady opened or closed state will provide a steady logic level to the input (high or low, depending on the setup). Thus, when we open a closed switch or close an open switch, the logic level at the input (high or low) can only change to the other level via a positive (low to high) or negative (high to low) edge. The switch may then bounce for a while, causing a number of alternating edges, but the first edge is always valid. (The last edge is also valid, but we can't know when it will happen, which is another way to state the problem.)

We detect this initial positive or negative edge and use it to immediately set the output of the debouncer so it matches the new logic level the switch will eventually provide once it settles. This initial edge also starts a counter which freezes the internal state of the debouncer until the switch has settled. Thus, we can report a switch opening or closing after only a few clock cycles, and push the wait time to the interval between the switch opening and closing, in parallel with whatever action the switch starts.


Normally, for normal human-scale operation of a switch, a single conservative bounce time estimate suffices to filter out both closing and opening switch bounce. However, all switches are different, and may be used with a very uneven duty cycle (e.g.: rapid short pulses), so a separate wait time for both rising and falling transitions can be set.

To calibrate the delay, observe the diag_synchronized_input and diag_ignoring_input signals on a logic analyzer or scope while you operate the switch. The first will show you the behaviour of the input bounce and its duration, and if your switch is suitable for your application. The second will show you if the Debouncer is ignoring the input bounce long enough for reliable operation, and if valid inputs are being lost (e.g.: multiple valid switch events inside a single delay).

Note that if the input reliably returns to the previous state before the delay is done, the input_clean will not reflect the change until the delay is done. This does put a rate limit on the input.

`default_nettype none

module Debouncer_Low_Latency
    parameter COUNTER_WIDTH     = 0,    // Wide enough to hold largest delay.
    parameter INITIAL_INPUT     = 1'b0, // 1'b0 or 1'b1. The input rest state.
    parameter EXTRA_CDC_STAGES  = 0     // Must be 0 or greater.
    input   wire                        clock,
    // No reset or enable, as that could cause artificial input events.

    input   wire    [COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0] delay_cycles_rising,
    input   wire    [COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0] delay_cycles_falling,

    input   wire                        input_raw,
    output  wire                        input_falling,
    output  wire                        input_rising,
    output  wire                        input_clean,

    // For calibration and testing (see notes above)
    output  reg                         diag_synchronized_input,
    output  reg                         diag_ignoring_input

    initial begin
        diag_synchronized_input = INITIAL_INPUT;
        diag_ignoring_input     = 1'b0;

Let's generate counter values of the correct width.

    localparam  COUNTER_ONE   = {{COUNTER_WIDTH-1{1'b0}},1'b1};
    localparam  COUNTER_ZERO  = {COUNTER_WIDTH{1'b0}};

First, capture the input into an I/O register to filter out glitches and random sub-threshold analog noise between clock edges, and to convert slow input level changes (due to input capacitance and resistance) into a single, sharper edge (or at least a short train of cleaner pulses). All of this cleanup will make the CDC Synchronizer's job easier and more reliable.

We also give the CAD tool some attributes to place this register into an I/O register if possible. This is useful if this Debouncer is fed by a regional I/O clock, and to make sure we don't let analog noise into the logic fabric. It shouldn't matter, but in extreme cases the noise could couple to other logic lines. Analog noise is outside the expected behaviour of signals inside the FPGA, so let's avoid it.

NOTE: The output of this register will still end up briefly metastable or otherwise marginal sometimes, and must be properly synchronized to the clock later on.

We don't use a Register module here since we can't apply the necessary I/O attributes to a module, and we don't want to have any enable or reset logic on this register, which could cause false input events.

    (* IOB = "true" *)  // Vivado
    (* useioff = 1 *)   // Quartus

    reg captured_input = INITIAL_INPUT;

    always @(posedge clock) begin
        captured_input <= input_raw;

Then, we synchronize the captured, de-noised input to the clock to filter out any remaining marginal or metastable signals, which will either get dropped, or converted to proper synchronous logic pulses. Add stages if necessary, likely for very high clock speeds. From here on, the input is a clean digital signal we can debounce.

    wire synchronized_input;

        .EXTRA_DEPTH        (EXTRA_CDC_STAGES)  // Must be 0 or greater
        .receiving_clock    (clock),
        .bit_in             (captured_input),
        .bit_out            (synchronized_input)

    always @(*) begin
        diag_synchronized_input = synchronized_input;

Separately detect rising and falling edges on the input. This allows us to react immediately when the switch opens or closes. The premise is that if a switch is stable in one state, and no external noise exists, then the first observed edge can only signify a change in switch state and we can report it immediately.

The rest of the switching time, with its bouncing transitions, is not important. We only need to wait it out in parallel by loading the counter with a non-zero value at that instant and ignoring the input while the counter counts down to zero.

    reg input_rising_internal   = 1'b0;
    reg input_falling_internal  = 1'b0;
    reg counter_load            = 1'b0;
    reg counter_run             = 1'b0;

    always @(*) begin
        input_rising_internal   = (synchronized_input       == 1'b1) && (input_clean            == 1'b0) && (counter_run == 1'b0);
        input_falling_internal  = (synchronized_input       == 1'b0) && (input_clean            == 1'b1) && (counter_run == 1'b0);
        counter_load            = (input_rising_internal    == 1'b1) || (input_falling_internal == 1'b1);

    always @(*) begin
        diag_ignoring_input = (counter_run == 1'b1);

Capture the gated edge detection pulses in a latch, where each type of pulse sets the latch to mirror the state the input is entering, based on the first detected edge.

        .clock          (clock),
        .clear          (input_falling_internal),
        .pulse_in       (input_rising_internal),
        .level_out      (input_clean)

And register the rising/falling pulses so they arrive in sync with input_clean.

        .WORD_WIDTH     (1),
        .RESET_VALUE    (1'b0)
        .clock          (clock),
        .clock_enable   (1'b1),
        .clear          (1'b0),
        .data_in        (input_rising_internal),
        .data_out       (input_rising)

        .WORD_WIDTH     (1),
        .RESET_VALUE    (1'b0)
        .clock          (clock),
        .clock_enable   (1'b1),
        .clear          (1'b0),
        .data_in        (input_falling_internal),
        .data_out       (input_falling)

Finally, when a rising or falling edge is detected, load (and start) the delay counter, which disables edge detection while running down to zero. A different value may be loaded for rising and falling edges.

    wire [COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0] delay_cycles;

        .WORD_COUNT     (2),
        .OPERATION      ("OR"),
        .selectors      ({input_falling_internal, input_rising_internal}),
        .words_in       ({delay_cycles_falling,   delay_cycles_rising}),
        .word_out       (delay_cycles)

    wire [COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0] count;

        .INCREMENT      (COUNTER_ONE),
        .clock          (clock),
        .clear          (1'b0),
        .up_down        (1'b1), // 0/1 --> up/down
        .run            (counter_run),
        .load           (counter_load),
        .load_count     (delay_cycles),
        .carry_in       (1'b0),
        // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .carry_out      (),
        .carries        (),
        .overflow       (),
        // verilator lint_on  PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .count          (count)

    always @(*) begin
        counter_run = (count != COUNTER_ZERO);


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