


Pipeline Credit Buffer

Pipelines the control and data of a ready/valid hanshake with zero or more plain Registers and a FIFO to control the propagation delay and increase the possible clock frequency. The latency from input to output is PIPE_DEPTH cycles, plus 2 from the output FIFO.

In a nutshell, a credit buffer has an input interface which knows the latency of the register pipeline, tracks how many data transfers have been sent from the input interface to the output interface (which subtracts from the credit count), tracks how many transfers have left the output interface (which adds to the credit count), and thus how much capacity (credit) remains in the output interface buffer (minus any data in-flight in the pipeline). With that information, we can modulate when the input interface can accept new transfers. The FIFO at the output interface is necessary to receive any transfers still in-flight in the register pipelines while the input interface does not accept new transfers (credit is zero).

Unlike a Skid Buffer Pipeline, a Credit Buffer Pipeline can also improve concurrency by absorbing any irregularities in the transfer rates of the input and output interfaces: if one interface stalls, the other interface will not see that stall for as long as there is either enough available data or space in the FIFO.

For longer pipelines, a Credit Buffer Pipeline uses less hardware than a Skid Buffer Pipeline, especially if the FIFO fits inside a denser Block RAM, and may fit some underlying devices better (e.g.: the routing hyper-registers in high-end Intel FPGAs). For reference, see Abbas and Betz "Latency Insensitive Design Styles for FPGAs" (FPL, 2018).


The PIPE_DEPTH parameter specifies the number of pipeline registers on the input_ready and input_valid/input_data paths. Adjust PIPE_DEPTH to break any critical paths between ready/valid interfaces. A value of zero will not implement any pipeline registers and reduces the design to a very short FIFO (see below for minimum size calculation).

The FIFO_DEPTH parameter specifies the depth of the FIFO buffer before the output port. The minimum FIFO depth for correct operation and to support full throughput is the sum of:

If the given FIFO_DEPTH parameter is smaller than this sum, it is automatically adjusted internally to this minimum sum. You can also specify a FIFO_DEPTH larger than this sum to allow the FIFO to absorb stalls on the input and output interfaces of duration less than or equal to the extra FIFO depth, which will improve concurrency. Adjust the FIFO_RAMSTYLE parameter to match your desired FIFO implementation and your target device.


The pipeline registers do not have enable or reset logic: they are plain, always-on registers, which minimises wiring and logic, and matches the Intel hyper-register implementation. Thus, you must hold clear active for PIPE_DEPTH+1 cycles at a minimum to make sure all in-flight data and control signals have been flushed, else you might release clear and start processing stale data/control still in the pipeline, or place the entire pipeline in an inconsistent state resulting in data loss at a much later time.

Ports and Parameters

`default_nettype none

module Pipeline_Credit_Buffer
    parameter WORD_WIDTH    = 0,
    parameter PIPE_DEPTH    = 0,
    parameter FIFO_DEPTH    = 0,
    parameter FIFO_RAMSTYLE = ""
    input   wire                        clock,
    input   wire                        clear,

    input   wire                        input_valid,
    output  reg                         input_ready,
    input   wire    [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    input_data,

    output  wire                        output_valid,
    input   wire                        output_ready,
    output  wire    [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    output_data

    initial begin
        input_ready = 1'b1; // Empty at start, so accept data.

We need a minimum of 2x the pipeline latency in FIFO space to account for a full round-trip of the control signals, plus any other cycles of latency, so we don't stall prematurely or lose data.

    `include "max_function.vh"

    localparam COUNTER_LATENCY_CYCLES   = 1;
    localparam FIFO_LATENCY_CYCLES      = 2;

As always, in a ready/valid handshake interface, data transfers and state changes can only happen when both ready and valid are asserted (the handshake completes). So we calculate those conditions for both interfaces here.

    reg input_handshake_done  = 1'b0;
    reg output_handshake_done = 1'b0;

    always @(*) begin
        input_handshake_done =  (input_valid  == 1'b1) && (input_ready  == 1'b1);
        output_handshake_done = (output_valid == 1'b1) && (output_ready == 1'b1);

Input Interface

The input interface is modulated by the credit counter: as long as we have send credits, we signal that we are ready to accept data. Then we send off the data and valid pulses, and receive the ready pulses, both through simple register pipelines to reduce cycle time.

The send credit counter starts by assuming everything is empty, so it has FIFO_DEPTH_ADJUSTED credits available to use. We add one to the counter width to guarantee we can always contain the FIFO_DEPTH_ADJUSTED count plus the extra state of zero (no credits).

    `include "clog2_function.vh"

    localparam CREDIT_COUNTER_WIDTH     = clog2(CREDIT_COUNTER_INITIAL) + 1;
    localparam CREDIT_COUNTER_ZERO      = {CREDIT_COUNTER_WIDTH{1'b0}};   
    localparam CREDIT_COUNTER_ONE       = {{CREDIT_COUNTER_WIDTH-1{1'b0}},1'b1};   

    reg                             credit_up_down = 1'b0; // 0/1 --> up/down
    reg                             credit_update  = 1'b0;
    wire [CREDIT_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0] credit_available;

        .clock          (clock),
        .clear          (clear),

        .up_down        (credit_up_down), // 0/1 --> up/down
        .run            (credit_update),

        .load           (1'b0),
        .load_count     (CREDIT_COUNTER_ZERO),

        .carry_in       (1'b0),
        // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .carry_out      (),
        .carries        (),
        .overflow       (),
        // verilator lint_on  PINCONNECTEMPTY

        .count          (credit_available)


The pipelines are simple registers with no control logic which are always enabled and cannot be cleared: if it was possible to control them from the input/output interfaces and meet timing, we wouldn't need a pipeline!

First, we continuously pipeline the data from the input interface to the output interface.

    wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0] input_data_pipelined;

        .WORD_WIDTH     (WORD_WIDTH),
        .PIPE_DEPTH     (PIPE_DEPTH)
        // If PIPE_DEPTH is zero, these are unused
        // verilator lint_off UNUSED
        .clock          (clock),
        .clock_enable   (1'b1),
        .clear          (1'b0),
        // verilator lint_on  UNUSED
        .pipe_in        (input_data),
        .pipe_out       (input_data_pipelined)

Then, in parallel, we continuously pipeline a bit which indicates that the pipelined input data in the current cycle comes from a completed input handshake and is thus valid.

    wire input_handshake_done_pipelined;

        .WORD_WIDTH     (1),
        .PIPE_DEPTH     (PIPE_DEPTH)
        // If PIPE_DEPTH is zero, these are unused
        // verilator lint_off UNUSED
        .clock          (clock),
        .clock_enable   (1'b1),
        .clear          (1'b0),
        // verilator lint_on  UNUSED
        .pipe_in        (input_handshake_done),
        .pipe_out       (input_handshake_done_pipelined)

Similarly and in parallel we continuously pipeline, from the output interface back to the input interface, a bit which indicates that an output handshake has completed in the current cycle and thus a space has been freed in the FIFO.

    wire output_handshake_done_pipelined;

        .WORD_WIDTH     (1'b1),
        .PIPE_DEPTH     (PIPE_DEPTH)
        // If PIPE_DEPTH is zero, these are unused
        // verilator lint_off UNUSED
        .clock          (clock),
        .clock_enable   (1'b1),
        .clear          (1'b0),
        // verilator lint_on  UNUSED
        .pipe_in        (output_handshake_done),
        .pipe_out       (output_handshake_done_pipelined)

Output Interface

Finally, we store any valid pipelined input data into a FIFO until it can be read out. The FIFO itself is the output interface.

        .WORD_WIDTH     (WORD_WIDTH),
        .DEPTH          (FIFO_DEPTH_ADJUSTED),
        .clock          (clock),
        .clear          (clear),

        .input_valid    (input_handshake_done_pipelined),
        // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .input_ready    (),
        // verilator lint_on  PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .input_data     (input_data_pipelined),

        .output_valid   (output_valid),
        .output_ready   (output_ready),
        .output_data    (output_data)

Control Logic

The control logic for the send_credits counter is simple: at each cycle, if the input handshake completes, decrement the credit counter by one, if the output handshake completes, increment the credit counter by one, if both complete at the same time or no handshake completes this cycle, the counter stays constant. So long as the send credit count is not zero, we can accept input data and send it through the pipeline.

    always @(*) begin
        credit_up_down  = (output_handshake_done_pipelined == 1'b0); // 0/1 --> up/down
        credit_update   = (output_handshake_done_pipelined != input_handshake_done);
        input_ready     = (credit_available != CREDIT_COUNTER_ZERO);


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