


Signed Integer Quotient

Computes the signed quotient of the signed dividend and divisor, based on whether each Remainder addition/subtraction step is successful. Part of the Signed Integer Divider module. Not usable by itself.

Ports and Constants

`default_nettype none

module Quotient_Integer_Signed
    parameter WORD_WIDTH        = 0,
    parameter STEP_WORD_WIDTH   = 0
    input  wire                     clock,
    input  wire                     clear,

    input  wire                     input_valid,
    output reg                      input_ready,
    input  wire                     dividend_sign,
    input  wire                     divisor_sign,

    output reg                      output_valid,
    input  wire                     output_ready,
    output wire [WORD_WIDTH-1:0]    quotient,
    input  wire                     control_valid,
    output reg                      control_ready,
    input  wire                     step_ok

    `include "clog2_function.vh"

    localparam WORD_ZERO = {WORD_WIDTH{1'b0}};

    initial begin
        input_ready      = 1'b0;
        output_valid     = 1'b0;
        control_ready    = 1'b0;

Some basic definitions to establish our two's-complement signed representation.

    localparam ADD = 1'b0;
    localparam SUB = 1'b1;

We have to internally compute with one extra bit of range to match the behaviour of the Remainder calculations.


    localparam WORD_WIDTH_LONG  = WORD_WIDTH + 1;
    localparam WORD_ZERO_LONG   = {WORD_WIDTH_LONG{1'b0}};
    localparam WORD_ONE_LONG    = {{WORD_WIDTH_LONG-1{1'b0}},1'b1};
    localparam WORD_ONES_LONG   = {WORD_WIDTH_LONG{1'b1}};


Divisor and Dividend Signs

    reg  divisor_sign_enable = 1'b0;
    wire divisor_sign_loaded;

        .WORD_WIDTH     (1),
        .RESET_VALUE    (1'b0)
        .clock          (clock),
        .clock_enable   (divisor_sign_enable),
        .clear          (1'b0),
        .data_in        (divisor_sign),
        .data_out       (divisor_sign_loaded)

    reg  dividend_sign_enable = 1'b0;
    wire dividend_sign_loaded;

        .WORD_WIDTH     (1),
        .RESET_VALUE    (1'b0)
        .clock          (clock),
        .clock_enable   (dividend_sign_enable),
        .clear          (1'b0),
        .data_in        (dividend_sign),
        .data_out       (dividend_sign_loaded)

Quotient Increment

The quotient increment is added/subtracted to/from the quotient each time we could remove the divisor from the remainder. Shift it right by 1 each calculation step, so we increment by decreasing multiples of 2 at each division step.

    reg                         quotient_increment_enable   = 1'b0;
    reg                         quotient_increment_load     = 1'b0;
    wire [WORD_WIDTH_LONG-1:0]  quotient_increment_reversed;

        .WORD_WIDTH     (1),
        .clock          (clock),
        .clock_enable   (quotient_increment_enable),
        .clear          (clear),
        .parallel_load  (quotient_increment_load),
        .parallel_in    (WORD_ONE_LONG),
        .parallel_out   (quotient_increment_reversed),
        .pipe_in        (1'b0),
        // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .pipe_out       ()
        // verilator lint_on  PINCONNECTEMPTY

The Register_Pipeline only shifts left, so let's reverse its parallel output.

    wire [WORD_WIDTH_LONG-1:0]  quotient_increment;

        .WORD_WIDTH (1),
        .words_in   (quotient_increment_reversed),
        .words_out  (quotient_increment)

Quotient Storage

    reg                         quotient_enable = 1'b0;
    reg                         quotient_clear  = 1'b0;
    wire [WORD_WIDTH_LONG-1:0]  quotient_next;
    wire [WORD_WIDTH_LONG-1:0]  quotient_loaded;

        .clock          (clock),
        .clock_enable   (quotient_enable),
        .clear          (quotient_clear),
        .data_in        (quotient_next),
        .data_out       (quotient_loaded)

        .SIGNED         (1),
        .original_input     (quotient_loaded),
        .adjusted_output    (quotient)

Quotient Calculation

Add or subtract depending on the signs of the inputs. We don't need to handle backpressure at the input handshake of the Adder_Subtractor_Binary_Multiprecision since we don't try to start a new operation until the previous one has completed and its results stored.

    reg quotient_add_sub = 1'b0;

    always @(*) begin
        quotient_add_sub = (divisor_sign_loaded == dividend_sign_loaded) ? ADD : SUB;

    reg  quotient_input_valid  = 1'b0;
    wire quotient_output_valid;
    // Veril*tor cannot quite anaylze this signals path across the hierarchy.
    // This is not a synthesis bug.
    // verilator lint_off UNOPTFLAT
    reg  quotient_output_ready = 1'b0;
    // verilator lint_on  UNOPTFLAT

        .WORD_WIDTH         (WORD_WIDTH_LONG),
        .clock          (clock),
        .clock_enable   (1'b1),
        .clear          (clear),

        .input_valid    (quotient_input_valid),
        //verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .input_ready    (),
        //verilator lint_on  PINCONNECTEMPTY

        .add_sub        (quotient_add_sub), // 0/1 -> A+B/A-B
        .A              (quotient_loaded),
        .B              (quotient_increment),

        .output_valid   (quotient_output_valid),
        .output_ready   (quotient_output_ready),

        .sum            (quotient_next),
        // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .carry_out  (),
        .carries    (),
        .overflow   ()
        // verilator lint_on  PINCONNECTEMPTY

Control Path

States and Storage

We denote state as two bits, with the following transitions: LOAD -> CALC -> DONE -> LOAD -> ... We don't handle the fourth, impossible case. The state encoding is arbitrary.

    localparam                      STATE_WIDTH     = 2;
    localparam [STATE_WIDTH-1:0]    STATE_LOAD      = 2'b00;
    localparam [STATE_WIDTH-1:0]    STATE_CALC      = 2'b10;
    localparam [STATE_WIDTH-1:0]    STATE_DONE      = 2'b11;
    localparam [STATE_WIDTH-1:0]    STATE_ERROR     = 2'b01; // Never reached

The state bits, from which we derive the control outputs and the internal control signals.

    reg  [STATE_WIDTH-1:0]  state_next = STATE_LOAD;
    wire [STATE_WIDTH-1:0]  state;

        .WORD_WIDTH     (STATE_WIDTH),
        .clock          (clock),
        .clock_enable   (1'b1),
        .clear          (clear),
        .data_in        (state_next),
        .data_out       (state)

Calculation Steps

Each division takes WORD_WIDTH_LONG steps, from WORD_WIDTH_LONG-1 to 0, plus one step to initially load the dividend and divisor. Thus, we need a counter of the correct width.

    localparam STEPS_WIDTH      = clog2(WORD_WIDTH_LONG);
    localparam STEPS_INITIAL    = WORD_WIDTH_LONG - 1;
    localparam STEPS_ZERO       = {STEPS_WIDTH{1'b0}};
    localparam STEPS_ONE        = {{STEPS_WIDTH-1{1'b0}},1'b1};

Count down WORD_WIDTH_LONG-1 calculation steps. Stops at zero, and reloads when leaving STATE_LOAD.

    reg                     calculation_step_clear  = 1'b0;
    reg                     calculation_step_do     = 1'b0;
    wire [STEPS_WIDTH-1:0]  calculation_step;

        .WORD_WIDTH     (STEPS_WIDTH),
        .INCREMENT      (STEPS_ONE),
        .clock          (clock),
        .clear          (calculation_step_clear),

        .up_down        (1'b1),         // 0/1 -> up/down
        .run            (calculation_step_do),

        .load           (1'b0),
        .load_count     (STEPS_ZERO),

        .carry_in       (1'b0),
        // verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .carry_out      (),
        .carries        (),
        .overflow       (),
        // verilator lint_on  PINCONNECTEMPTY
        .count          (calculation_step)

Input/Output/Control Handshakes

Accept inputs when empty (after results are read out) or frehsly reset/cleared). Declare outputs valid when calculation is done. Signal a new calculation step each time the addition/subtraction is complete.

    always @(*) begin
        output_valid   = (state == STATE_DONE);
        input_ready    = (state == STATE_LOAD);
        control_ready  = (state == STATE_CALC) && (quotient_output_valid == 1'b1);

Control Events

    reg load_inputs       = 1'b0; // When we load the dividend and divisor signs.
    reg read_outputs      = 1'b0; // When we read out the quotient.
    reg read_control      = 1'b0; // When we read in the calculation step status.
    reg calculating       = 1'b0; // High while performing the division steps.
    reg step_done         = 1'b0; // High when an add/sub completes and is ack'ed by other computations.
    reg last_calculation  = 1'b0; // High during the last calculation step.

    always @(*) begin
        load_inputs       = (input_ready   == 1'b1) && (input_valid   == 1'b1);
        read_outputs      = (output_valid  == 1'b1) && (output_ready  == 1'b1);
        read_control      = (control_valid == 1'b1) && (control_ready == 1'b1);
        calculating       = (state == STATE_CALC);
        step_done         = (read_control == 1'b1);
        last_calculation  = (read_control == 1'b1) && (calculation_step == STEPS_ZERO);

Past this point, we should not refer directly to the FSM states or inputs/outputs, but to these events which are combinations of states and signals.

State Transitions

There is no handling of erroneous states.

    always @(*) begin
        state_next = (load_inputs       == 1'b1) ? STATE_CALC : state;
        state_next = (last_calculation  == 1'b1) ? STATE_DONE : state_next;
        state_next = (read_outputs      == 1'b1) ? STATE_LOAD : state_next;

Calculation Steps Control

    always @(*) begin
        calculation_step_clear = (load_inputs == 1'b1) || (clear == 1'b1);
        calculation_step_do    = (step_done   == 1'b1);

Adder/Subtractor Control

Let the Adder/Subtractor run independently, but read out its value only when the control handshake (from the Remainder module) completes. This then allows the Adder/Subtractor's input handshake to complete.

    always @(*) begin
        quotient_input_valid  = (calculating   == 1'b1);
        quotient_output_ready = (control_valid == 1'b1);

Input Storage Control

    always @(*) begin
        divisor_sign_enable  = (load_inputs == 1'b1);
        dividend_sign_enable = (load_inputs == 1'b1);

Quotient and Increment Storage Control

Store only an updated Quotient if the division step from the Remainder module was OK (could successfully remove the divisor from the dividend).

    always @(*) begin
        quotient_increment_enable = (load_inputs == 1'b1) || (step_done == 1'b1);
        quotient_increment_load   = (load_inputs == 1'b1);
        quotient_enable           = (load_inputs == 1'b1) || ((step_done == 1'b1) && (step_ok == 1'b1));
        quotient_clear            = (load_inputs == 1'b1) || (clear == 1'b1);


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